Assessment Plan for COP 3223H

This page provides an assessment plan for COP 3223H at the University of Central Florida as taught by Gary T. Leavens. The plan maps the course's learning outcomes to general types of questions and problems for in-class quizzes, homeworks, and exams. Since all units of the course have roughly the same impact on the course's learning outcomes, this represents planning for how to achieve the learning outcomes in general. That is, this document is something of an abstraction from the individual quizzes, homeworks, and exams.

New ideas for assessment of any objectives are very welcome!

The normal assessment threshold (for me to consider that students have adequately learned the material) is 70%. For programming the answer must be a correct solution 70% of the time.

Per Outcome Plans

Outcome [Semantics]

Summative (Exams)

Give the output of a given program.

Explain how a given program executes.

Explain how to correct a given program so that it correctly implements a given specification.

If we were to change some statement (or expression) in a given program, what would the consequences for its execution be?

Formative (In-Class Quizzes, Homeworks)

All of the above, and the following.

Trace the execution of a program.

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Outcome [Program]

Summative (Exams)

Write a sequential program in the specified language to correctly solve a given programming problem.

List the order that statements in a given set should be used to correctly solve a given programming problem.

Correct a given (faulty) program so that it correctly solves a given problem.

Formative (In-Class Quizzes, Homeworks)

All of the above, and the following.

Explain the steps used to solve a problem using psuedo-code.

Design an algorithm on paper (show steps between data structure snapshots) to solve a given problem.

Develop a program in a given language to solve a problem of your own choosing.

Describe the reasons why your code for solving a given problem is correct, without executing (or testing) it.

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Last modified Wednesday, January 4, 2017.

This web page is for COP 3223H at the University of Central Florida. The details of this course are subject to change as experience dictates. You will be informed of any changes. Please direct any comments or questions to Gary T. Leavens at Some of the policies and web pages for this course are quoted or adapted from other courses I have taught.