% @(#) $Id: char_constants.lsl,v 1.1 1995/01/27 19:59:17 leavens Exp $ % Names of character constants. % These are given without values, so that they aren't specific % to any character set char_constants: trait includes char introduces newline: -> char LF: -> char horizontal_tab: -> char tab: -> char HT: -> char vertical_tab: -> char VT: -> char backspace: -> char BS: -> char carriage_return: -> char CR: -> char form_feed: -> char FF: -> char alert: -> char BEL: -> char backslash: -> char question_mark: -> char single_quote: -> char double_quote: -> char asserts equations LF == newline; HT == tab; tab == horizontal_tab; BS == backspace; CR == carriage_return; FF == form_feed; BEL == alert;
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