
  • More Review Problems

  • Use the Hough transform to determine all lines inclined at 45 degrees in an image of size 100 X 100. Assume the center of the image to be located at bottom left corner of the image. Suggest number of cells that would be required in Hough method. Would the complexity of the algorithm be less than that required for normal Hough transform method?

  • Give one application of the Gaussian pyramid structure.
  • Based on the 4- connected labeling method indicated in the lecture, develop an algorithm for labeling regions in binary images. Use it to assign labels to the regions in the following binary image:
  • 011000000000000
  • 001110001111000
  • 001100001111000
  • 000001111110000
  • 000000111000000
  • Describe briefly the process of hysteresis thresholding used in canny edge detector. What is the effect of using just one threshold?
  • Given all the camera intrinsic parameters, and extrinsic parameters the Rotaiton matrix and the Translation vector derive the image pixel coordinates for a 3D point (X, Y, Z) .
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