CAP5415 - Computer Vision
Spring 2003
TR 19:00 - 20:15
CSB 0221
Khurram Hassan Shafique
CSB 103 (Computer Vision Lab)
Phone (Vision Lab): 407-823-4733
Office Hours: TR 15:00-16:00 in CSB-255 (Grad Lab)
Phone (Grad Lab): 407-823-2245
Teaching Assistant
Cen Rao
CSB 103 (Computer Vision Lab)
Phone (Vision Lab): 407-823-4733
Office Hours: TR 16:00-17:00 in CSB-255 (Grad Lab)
Phone (Grad Lab): 407-823-2245
Course Introduction
Pre-requisite: Other than programming experience, there is no
pre-requisite for the course, however knowledge of linear
algebra, image processing and/or graphics may be helpful.
"Vision is the process of discovering from images
what is present in the world, and where it is" (David
Marr). Ever since the advent of computational machines,
researchers have wondered whether these machines can be
programmed to imitate human cognitive processes (visual
perception, natural language processing, deductive reasoning etc).
The problem was assumed to be easier in the beginning and only
processing power and limited storage was regarded as the major
"I believe that in about fifty
years' time it will be possible to programme computers to
make them play the imitation game so well that an average
interrogator will not have more than 70 per cent chance
of making the right identification after five minutes of
questioning". Alan Turing, 'Computing Machinery
and Intelligence', Mind (1950), 442
But after more than 50 years of Turing's remarks and a huge
shift in computing power and storage, the modeling and simulation
of perceptual processes is still an unsolved mystery.
Computer vision is the study of analysis of pictures and
videos in order to achieve results similar to those as by men.
Thus human vision acts as a lower bound on our ambitions with
regard to computational image analysis (Turing Test for computer
vision). The field of computer vision has inspired a large number
of researchers in computer science, engineering, mathematics and
even though we are still far from achieving this ultimate goal,
we have gathered a great amount of work and knowledge in the
process and the techniques developed are widely used in the areas
such as medical imaging, video surveillance, computer graphics,
video compression etc.
Course Syllabus
The course is introductory level and deals mostly with the low level and
mid-level visual analysis. The class assignments will consist
of homework problems (both programming and non-programming), a
midterm exam (in-class), a term project and a final exam (comprehensive, in-class). The course grade will be determined on the following basis:
Biweeky Assignments: 20%
Programming Assignments: 30%
Mid-Term Exam: 20%
Final Exam: 30%
The major topics include the following (not necessarily in
that order. Some topics may not be covered due to time
restrictions while some other topics of general interest may be
The University Golden Rules will be observed in this class. Copying or Plagiarism is violation of the Golden Rules.
Reference Text:
Lecture 1 (January 7, 2003)
Lecture 2 (January 9, 2003)
Slides: PDF/ PPT
Suggested Reading: Chapter 1, David A. Forsyth and Jean Ponce, "Computer Vision: A
Modern Approach"
Lecture 3 (January 14, 2003)
Suggested Reading:
Lecture 4 (January 16, 2003)
Suggested Reading:
Lecture 5 (January 21, 2003)
Slides: PDF/ PPT
Suggested Reading:
Lecture 6 (January 23, 2003)
Slides: PDF/ PPT
Suggested Reading:
Lecture 7 (January 28, 2003)
Slides: PDF/ PPT
Suggested Reading:
Lecture 8 (January 30, 2003)
Slides: PDF/ PPT
Suggested Reading:
Lecture 9 (February 04, 2003)
Slides: PDF/ PPT
Suggested Reading:
Lecture 10 (February 06, 2003)
Slides: PDF/ PPT
Suggested Reading:
Lecture 11 (February 11, 2003)
Slides: PDF/ PPT
Suggested Reading:
Lecture 12 (February 13, 2003)
Slides: PDF/ PPT
Suggested Reading:
Lecture 13 (February 18, 2003)
Slides: PDF/ PPT
Suggested Reading:
Lecture 14 (February 27, 2003)
Slides: PDF/ PPT
Suggested Reading:
Lecture 15 (March 06, 2003)
Slides: PDF/ PPT
Suggested Reading:
Lecture 16 (March 11, 2003)
Slides: PDF/ PPT
Suggested Reading:
Lecture 17 (March 13, 2003)
Slides: PDF/ PPT
Suggested Reading:
Lecture 18 (March 25, 2003)
Slides: PDF/ PPT
Suggested Reading:
Lecture 19 (March 27, 2003)
Slides: PDF/ PPT
Suggested Reading:
Lecture 20 (April 1, 2003)
Slides: PDF/ PPT
Suggested Reading:
Lecture 21 (April 3, 2003)
Slides: PDF/ PPT
Suggested Reading:
Lecture 22 (April 8, 2003)
Slides: PDF/ PPT
Suggested Reading:
Lecture 23 (April 10, 2003)
Slides: PDF/ PPT
Suggested Reading:
Lecture 24 (April 15, 2003)
Slides: PDF/ PPT
Suggested Reading:
Epipolar Geometry Applet
Lecture 25 (April 17, 2003)
Slides: PDF/ PPT
Suggested Reading:
Data Files
Important Dates/Deadlines
February 20, Mid-term Exam
February 28, Withdrawal Deadline
March 17-23, Spring Break
April 17, Last Class Meeting
April 24, Final Exam (19:00-21:45)
Leading Journals and Conferences in Computer Vision
Some other Links
Last modified April 07, 2003