School of Computer Science

CDA 4150: Computer Architecture (Fall 2005)




  1. Project0
  2. To get the solution of project0: cp ~hgao/cda4150/lab0sol.tgz .
  3. Project1
  4. Project2

 Projects Help:

  1. Read this verilog manual first.
  2. This is Prof. Mark Heinrich's help page for CDA 4150.
  3. Instructions on Cygwin and virsims

Projects Tips:

  • Project 1:
    • For those of you got this error:

    Can't exec "mips-sgi-irix5-gcc": No such file or directory at /home/heinrich/myusr/local/bin/ line 152.
    Could not open assembly output! at /home/heinrich/myusr/local/bin/ line 91.
    make[2]: *** [hello.o] Error 2
    make[1]: *** [test] Error 2
    make: *** [all] Error 2

    Please add ~heinrich/myusr/local/bin in your PATH. Edit your .cshrc accordingly, source .cshrc and try it again..

  • Project 0:
    • For those of you got this error:

    Make : make
    C compiler : gcc -O2
    C++ compiler: c++ -O2
    CFLAGS : -DSUN -D_BSD_SIGNALS -I. -I/home/heinrich/Sim/lib

    make[1]: vcs: Command not found
    make[1]: *** [demofulladder] Error 127
    make: *** [all] Error 2

    Remember to use "source ~/.cshrc" first after you login. Then you should be able to make.