CIS 3362 Notes Fall 2024

Date Topic Typed Notes Fall 2024 Written Notes
8/19/2024 Course Intro Intro Intro 8/19
8/21/2024 Shift, Affine Cipher Shift/Affine Notes Shift/Affine 8/21
8/23/2024 Mod, EEA Mod Notes
Euclidean Algorithm
EEA Notes 8/23
8/26/2024 Substitution Cipher Substitution
Substitution Notes 8/23
8/28/2024 Vigenere Cipher Vigenere
Vigenere Notes 8/28
8/30/2024 Breaking Vigenere Breaking Vigenere
Break Vigenere Notes 8/30
9/6/2024 Playfair Playfair Playfair Notes 9/6
9/9/2024 Hill Cipher Hill Cipher Hill Notes 9/9
9/11/2024 ADFGVX ADFGVX ADFGVX Notes 9/11
9/13/2024 Enigma Enigma
Enigma Pictures
Enigma Notes 9/13
9/16/2024 Navajo Code Navajo Code Notes Navajo Notes 9/16
9/18/2024 Transposition Transposition Transposition Notes 9/18
9/23/2024 Coding Bitwise Operators Bitwise Ops
Bitwise Op Notes 9/23
9/25/2024 DES DES Algorithm DES 1 Notes 9/25
9/27/2024 DES DES Key Schedule DES 2 Notes 9/27
9/30/2024 AES AES Algorithm AES Notes 9/30
10/2/2024 AES AES Key Schedule, Multiplication AES Notes 10/2
10/4/2024 AES None AES Notes 10/4
10/14/2024 Primes, Fermat's Theorem Primes, Fermat's Theorem N.T. Notes 10/14
10/16/2024 Euler's Theorem Euler's Theorem Notes 10/16
10/18/2024 Miller Rabin, Fast Mod Expo Miller Rabin
Fast Mod Expo
Notes 10/18
10/21/2024 Discrete Log Problem Discrete Log
10/23/2023 Factoring Factoring Algorithms
10/28/2024 Diffie-Hellman Diffie-Hellman
10/30/2024 RSA RSA
11/1/2024 El Gamal El Gamal
11/4/2024 Elliptic Curves Elliptic Curves
11/6,8/2024 Elliptic Curve Crypto Elliptic Curve Crypto
11/13/2024 Quantum Crypto Quantum Crypto Notes
11/18/2024 Hash Functions To Be Added
11/20/2024 El Gamal Digital Signature To Be Added
11/22,25/2024 Final Exam Review