CNT 4714 - Spring 2013 - Code Examples
Simple UDP Server (non-GUI) - page 44
Simple UDP Client (non-GUI) - page 46
Simple TCP Server (non-GUI) - page 53
Simple TCP Client (non-GUI) - page 55
GUI-based TCP Server - page 75
Driver class for GUI-based TCP Server - page 41>
GUI-based TCP Client - page 76
Driver class for GUI-based TCP Client - page 42
HTML file for SiteSelector Applet - high-level networking API example - page 83
SiteSelector Applet for above - page 84
Note: Before the following will execute you will need to run keytool to set up a keystore and certificate for the SSL
Also, these two classes are in package: securitystuff/jsse.
SSL Server Class - page 100
SSL Client Class - page 103
A multi-threaded,networked client/server example
Multithreaded TicTacToe Server
Test Class for TicTacToe Server
Client side for client/server TicTacToe
Test Class for TicTacToe Client
SQL script for creating the bike database used in many of the MySQL and JDBC Examples
Simple JDBC Example - page 20
DisplayBikes Application - page 27
ResultSetTableModel class - page 33
DisplayQueryResults Application - page 40
Displaying database information using PreparedStatement - page 52
JDBC RowSet example - page 62
NOTE: All of these file should be loaded into your htdocs folder in your Apache server.
Images for use with the form.html application and others - (rename to "images" and locate in htdocs directory) - image1.jpg is the background image - put in htdocs
Client side data entry for database query
Server side php script to handle database access
SQL script to create mailinglist DB>
Client side database entry form
Server side php script to access database
Last updated: April 11, 2013
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