CNT 4714 - Summer 2013 - Code Examples
Simple UDP Server (non-GUI) - page 44
Simple UDP Client (non-GUI) - page 46
Simple TCP Server (non-GUI) - page 53
Simple TCP Client (non-GUI) - page 55
GUI-based TCP Server - page 75
Driver class for GUI-based TCP Server - page 41>
GUI-based TCP Client - page 76
Driver class for GUI-based TCP Client - page 42
HTML file for SiteSelector Applet - high-level networking API example - page 83
SiteSelector Applet for above - page 84
Note: Before the following will execute you will need to run keytool to set up a keystore and certificate for the SSL
Also, these two classes are in package: securitystuff/jsse.
SSL Server Class - page 100
SSL Client Class - page 103
A multi-threaded,networked client/server example
Multithreaded TicTacToe Server
Test Class for TicTacToe Server
Client side for client/server TicTacToe
Test Class for TicTacToe Client
SQL script for creating the bike database used in many of the MySQL and JDBC Examples
Simple JDBC Example - page 20
DisplayBikes Application - page 27
ResultSetTableModel class - page 33
DisplayQueryResults Application - page 40
Displaying database information using PreparedStatement - page 52
JDBC RowSet example - page 62
NOTE: All of these file should be loaded into your htdocs folder in your Apache server.
Images for use with the form.html application and others - (rename to "images" and locate in htdocs directory) - image1.jpg is the background image - put in htdocs
Basic php script with function call
Basic php script without function call
Displays PHP server variable values - change it around to display other superglobal values
Client side form
Server side php script for handling the form
Expression.php for regular expression test
Client side secure entry screen
Server side php script to handle password
Client side data entry for database query
Server side php script to handle database access
Last updated: July 23, 2013
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