Chapter 12
Section 12.1
- a collection is an
object that serves as a repository for other objects
- used for objects whose
specific role is to provide add, remove and collection management
- some maintain some
order, others don’t
- some are homogeneous
(all objects in collection are same type), others are heterogeneous
(objects in collection can be of various types)
- Vector class can hold
any type of object
- can be implemented in
many ways – underlying data structure could be a variety of things, like
an array, a list, etc.
- abstract data type
(ADT) is a collection of data and the operations allowed on that data
- the operations you
perform on it are separated from the underlying implementation – it
doesn’t matter to us that a Vector object is implemented using an array. We just use the operations of a Vector
and trust the class to make it work
Section 12.2
- arrays are limited with
their fixed size
- dynamic data structure
is implemented using links – use references as links between objects
- considered a dynamic
structure because links are added as needed
- all objects are created
dynamically using “new”, and the variable keeping track of that object is
a reference to that object
- can create a linked
list by setting references of each link
- last node in the link
would have a reference of null
- listing 12.1, 12.2,
12.3, p. 500, 501, 503
- uses add method, but
could also use insert and delete
- can also do doubly
linked lists, or a list with a header that knows the front reference and
the tail reference
Section 12.3
- a queue is a linked
list where the first item put in the list is the first item off the list
- uses enqueue to add
items to rear of list
- uses dequeue to remove
items from the front of the list
- uses empty to return
true or false if queue is empty or not
- a stack is a linked
list where the last item put in the list is the first item off the list
- uses push to push item
on the top of the list
- uses pop to pop items
off the top of the list
- uses peek to retrieve
the top element without removing it (to peek at it for some information)
- uses empty to return
true or false if the stack is empty or not
- Java has a Stack class,
derived from Vector
- listing 12.4, p. 508
Section 12.4
- Java has other built-in
collection classes, like LinkedList, ArrayList, Vector
- it also has some interfaces
like List, Set, SortedSet, Map, SortedMap