Chapter 2
primitive data vs. objects
primitive data are common values like numbers or characters
data type – set of values and operations that can be performed on them (+,
-, *, /, %)
object is defined by a class, the data type of the object
class contains methods that represent operations for that object
System.out is an object representing an output device or file – object’s
name is out, class is System
println is a method in this class
invoking this method on the class is sending a message to the object
println prints information sent to it, then advances cursor to the next
line, print doesn’t
Listing 2.1, p. 53
objects use abstraction, hiding details inside of it
String class
use string literal with “ “
string concatenation to split strings over various lines
Listing 2.2, p. 56
blank line by passing println nothing
escape sequences begin with \
Listing 2.4, p. 59
name for location in memory used to hold a data value
declaring a variable tells compiler to reserve part of memory to hold this
variable type, and gives it a name
good practice to initialize variables on declaration
Listing 2.5, 2.6 p. 60
assignment statement – assigns value to variable
variable can only hold one value, so assigning a new one overwrites
previous value
can only assign variables values of their type (Java is strongly typed)
similar to variables, but hold a value for the duration of the program
cannot reassign a constant – get a compiler error
use final in the declaration
good practice to name constants with all uppercase letters
primitive data types
integers – no decimal part
byte – 8 bits
short – 16 bits
int – 32 bits
long – 64 bits
float – decimal part
float – 32 bits
double – 64 bits
all are signed
choose variable types wisely to not waste memory
Java assumes all int declarations are int, and all float declarations are
ASCII character set, 7 bits per character
was extended to 8 bits per character
Java uses Unicode character set, 16 bits per character, supporting 65,536
character literals use ‘ ‘
two values, true and false
can’t be converted to any other data type
arithmetic expressions
if either or both operands are float, result is float
integer division discards any fractional result
operator precedence
unary operator vs. binary operator
widening conversions vs. narrowing conversions – figure 2.5 and 2.6, p. 71
assignment conversion
arithmetic promotion
creating objects
class name can be thought of as the type of an object
variable can hold a reference to an object
declare a string object, then use new to create one – instantiation
new calls a constructor
use dot operator to access methods
String class, figure 2.7, p.75
methods have return value, or return void
once a string is created, size can’t change – it’s immutable
character in string can be referenced by its index into the string (first
character is index 0, next is index 1, etc.)
Listing 2.8, p. 77
strings are special in that they can be initialized on declaration,
eliminating use of new
class libraries
set of classes that support development of the program
made up of related classes, called Java APIs (Application Programmer
figure 2.9, p. 79
use import to reference classes of other libraries
java.lang package classes are automatically imported
Random class is used as random number generator, starting at some seed
value, then scaling and shifting the result using the modulus operator
listing 2.9, p. 82
some methods ca be invoked without instantiating an object of that class
first, using static methods
examples are in Math class, figure 2.11, p. 84
Keyboard class, listing 2.10 and 2.11, p. 86
NumberFormat and DecimalFormat classes, listing 2.12 and 2.13, p. 89
applets vs. applications
applets are intended to be embedded in an HTML document, transported across
a network and executed using a Web browser
application is a stand-alone program executed using a Java interpreter
applets can be viewed locally using a Web browser, and Sun’s appletviewer
Java bytecode is linked to an HTML document and sent across the Web
a version of a Java interpreter embedded in a Web browser is used to
executer the applet
applets can be thought of as part of a larger program, since the Web
browser must also be running – they don’t have a main method, then
must extend the Applet class to create an applet, and declare the class as
paint method is automatically called
listing 2.14, p. 93
must reference applet in an HTML document
<applet code=”Einstein.class” width=350 height=175></applet>
must first compile Java program into bytecode for this to work
Graphics class
contains methods for drawing lines, rectangles, ovals, etc.
can fill shape or not
Figure 2.16, p. 96
use Java coordinate system
use Color class to set foreground and background colors
Listing 2.15, p. 99