COP 2253C-0002 - Java
7:00pm – 9:30pm MAP360
Instructor: Kathleen Kappers
Office: CCI 208
Office Hours: Wednesdays before class (6 -
6:50pm), or by appt.
Course Web Page:
Summary: This
course covers the syntax of the Java programming language. It is assumed that
the student has no knowledge of any programming language.
Prerequisites: A willingness to learn and work
Textbook: Java Software Solutions, John
Lewis & William Loftus, 2nd edition
Labs: The last hour of each class will
take place in a lab. Students are encouraged to attend lab to work on their
programming assignments. A lab assistant will be available at this time to help
students with syntax issues and minor debugging. The lab assistant is not
expected to write students’ programs. Rather, he/she is there to help students
overcome programming hurdles only after a student has put forth an effort to
solve the problem.
Homework: Students are expected to complete
programming assignments on time. Assignments will be accepted up to one week
late, but will receive a 10% penalty.
Cheating: Each student must complete his/her
own individual work. Assignments deemed too similar for coincidence will result
in a zero for all parties involved. Cheating on exams will not be tolerated and
may result in failure of the class.
Makeup Exams: Makeup exams will only be given if
the student obtains prior permission or shows proof of emergency.
Grade Weighting: There will be 3 exams worth 20%
each, one of which is the final. Programming assignments will comprise the
other 40% of the grade.
Grading Scale:
A 90% - 100%
B 80%
- 89%
C 70%
- 79%
D 60%
- 69%
F 59% and below