COP 3223 Fall 2008 Section 1

Section 1 Instructor: Dr. Niels Lobo
email: DO NOT SEND E-MAIL (use phone instead)
Office Location: HEC-252
Office Hours: MTW 10:30am-12:30pm
Office Phone: 407-823-2873 (407-UCF-CURE)

Section 1 (MWF 9:30-10:20am HPA-119)


Update 11: Practice Final Exam

Update 10: Assignment 5 for Section 1

Update 9: Practice Test 4

Update 8: Practice Test 3

Update 7: Section 1's Assignment 4 is: Program4Section1.doc

Update 6: Practice Test 2
Update 5: Homework 2 consists of parts A,B, and C that you get at the Course's Main Page, and part D here.

Update 4: How to Resubmit Homeworks. Look at the "Announcements" tab in the "Webcourses" menu.

Update 3: Practice Test 1

Update 2: Assignment Zero has been posted up on the link that is listed alongside Lectures. Please start it before the end of Aug 29.

Update 1: For running the hello.c program, if after including
if you still have difficulties getting the program to run then try adding the line
#include <stdlib.h>
just below the first include statement (then, re-compile and run).

    TA office hours are in HEC 308. For times, see here.

Update 0: For using DevC++ with Vista, see

Specific Course Information