Please enter your choice from one of the following options. 1. Play the guessing game. 2. Play the square game. 3. View your current score. 4. Quit. 1 What do you want the maximum value in the guessing game to be? 1000000 Sorry, you chose an invalid maximum, you'll play with a maximum of 100. Please enter your guess(1 - 100). 50 Sorry your guess is too low. Please enter your guess(1 - 100). 75 Sorry your guess is too low. Please enter your guess(1 - 100). 90 Sorry your guess is too high. Please enter your guess(1 - 100). 83 Sorry your guess is too high. Please enter your guess(1 - 100). 79 You got the number in 5 turns. You scored 9 points for the Guessing Game this time! Please enter your choice from one of the following options. 1. Play the guessing game. 2. Play the square game. 3. View your current score. 4. Quit. 3 Your current score is 9. Please enter your choice from one of the following options. 1. Play the guessing game. 2. Play the square game. 3. View your current score. 4. Quit. 8 Sorry that is not a valid choice. Please try again. Please enter your choice from one of the following options. 1. Play the guessing game. 2. Play the square game. 3. View your current score. 4. Quit. 2 17 19 18 7 9 17 14 7 8 Enter the row(0-2) and column(0-2) of the square you want to change. 1 0 What is the new value? 19 17 19 18 19 9 17 14 7 8 Enter the row(0-2) and column(0-2) of the square you want to change. 1 1 What is the new value? 18 17 19 18 19 18 17 14 7 8 Enter the row(0-2) and column(0-2) of the square you want to change. 3 3 Sorry, those values aren't in between 0 and 2. Enter the row(0-2) and column(0-2) of the square you want to change. 2 0 What is the new value? 18 17 19 18 19 18 17 18 7 8 Enter the row(0-2) and column(0-2) of the square you want to change. 2 1 What is the new value? 17 17 19 18 19 18 17 18 17 8 Enter the row(0-2) and column(0-2) of the square you want to change. 2 2 What is the new value? 19 Great job, here is your final square: 17 19 18 19 18 17 18 17 19 You scored 9 points for the Square Game this time! Please enter your choice from one of the following options. 1. Play the guessing game. 2. Play the square game. 3. View your current score. 4. Quit. 4 Your final score is 18.