COP 3223 Spring 2009 Section 2

Section 2 Instructor: Dr. Niels Lobo
email: DO NOT SEND E-MAIL (use phone instead)
Office Location: HEC-252
Office Hours: MWF 11:30am-1:20pm
Office Phone: 407-823-2873 (407-UCF-CURE)

Section 2 (MWF 1:30-2:20pm HPA-119)

    TA office hours are in HEC ???. For times, see here.

Update 12: Apr 13: Practice Final
Update 11: April 3: Assignment 5
Update 10: March 29: Practice Test 4
Update 9: March 4: Practice Test 3

Update 8: March 3: Section 2's Assignment 4 is: Program4Section2.doc

Update 7: Feb 11: Programming Assignment 3 is here

Update 6: Feb 2: Practice Test 2
Update 5: Jan 26: Programming Assignment 2 is here

Update 4: Jan 21: Practice Test 1

Update 3: Jan 14: For Assignment One, the Part C is different for my section. A fourth input parameter is an integer (1 or 3), indicating how many bytes are stored for a pixel (i.e., whether the picture is Gray or Red/Green/Blue). Based on whether the input is 1 or 3 (you will need an IF-ELSE statement), you will compute the maximum number of pictures that can be stored. Please ensure that you modify your understanding of what the expected output should be in the example provided at the common class website.

Update 2: Jan 14: Assignment One has been posted on the common class website. Please go there, and get started today.

Update 1: Jan 10: Assignment Zero has been posted on Webcourses. Please go there, and finish it before Wednesday, Jan 14, night.

Update 0: Jan 7: For using DevC++ with Vista, see

Specific Course Information

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