C HW 2 Rubric Problem A 1) Comments/Style (1 pts) 2) Properly reads in the input values (1 pts) 3) Properly executes on each of the test cases below (3 pts available, distribute at your discretion) Example point deduction scenarios: -1 Menu structure does not allow multiple and/or out of order operations (e.g. debit >> credit >> balance >> credit >> quit) Note: Input for Problem A is guaranteed to be valid. No error checking is necessary. Do not try to break problem A from user input. Enter the following input commands, each newline indicates an keystroke: 1 1 1000 // balance should read 3000 2 2 2000 // balance should read 1000 1 3 500 // balance should read 1500 3 4 // 1500 balance, 2 credit transaction, 1 debit transaction 4 // Interest: $30.00 // Final Balance: $1530.00 Problem B Same as Problem A. But this time, they should have error checking for valid dates (cannot go back in time to make a transaction/check balance), and debit amount (cannot withdraw more than current balance). Deduct whatever points you took off for in Problem A, and then additional points for any mess-ups in their error handling. Sample input: 1 3 1000 // bal: 3000 1 2 // should prompt for date again 4 // this is a valid date now 1000 // bal: 4000 2 5 5000 // should prompt again for withdrawl amount 3000 // this is a valid debit amount now // bal: 1000 4 // Interest: $1.67 // Final Balance: $1001.67 Problem C 1) Comments/Style (1 pts) 2) Properly reads in the input values (1 pts) 3) Error checking (1 pts) 4) Properly prints out the diamond shape for input size (2 pts) Example input: -1 // prompts again, can't have negative number 4 // prompts again, can't have even number 5 // should print out a 5-row, 5-column diamond shape * *** ***** *** *