1. You can use the sample input file 'temp.txt' in this directory to get started. 2. You can use the python script 'tempgen.py' to generate more input files. 3. Your output should look something like the output in the file 'sample_output.txt' in this directory. We are not requiring you to label the legends on your graphs, you can simply print out stars ('*') and spaces (' ') for the percentage of time the A/C is on each hour. Note the example output in 'sample_output.txt' corresponds to the data from in the file 'temp.txt' in this directory. So if you use that input file for testing your program, your output should look something like the one in 'sample_output.txt' To simplify regarding the graph, you don't have to have 3 graphs like in this example output, but yours could be as complex and nice-looking as the first graph (with X and Y axis labels), or as simple as the last graph that only has 24 columns (and 20 rows), with each column containing 1 star for each 1/20th of an hour that the A/C was on, for that hour, from the first to the last (24th) hour.