COP 3502 - Computer Science I - Summer 2011
Tuesday & Thursday --- 12:00 - 1:50 PM, HPA 119
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Sample Programs for Computer Science I
- Strings
- Files
- Reading Grades
- Average Temperature
- Simple Encoding
- Arrays and Files
- Reading and Processing Exam Grades
- Structures
- Dynamic Memory Allocation for 1-D Arrays
- Dynamic Memory Allocation for 2-D Arrays (Arrays of Strings)
- Basic searching and sorting
- Linked Lists
- Linked List of Linked Lists
- Recursion
- Determining Run-Time Experimentally
- Stacks and Queues
- stack.c (Array Implementation of a Stack)
- stackll.c (Linked List Implementation of a Stack)
- queue.c (Array Implementation of a Queue)
- queuell.c (Linked List Implementation of a Queue)
- Binary Trees
- Advanced Sorting and Selection
- Hash Tables
- Heaps and Heap Sort
- Backtracking
- Min-Max Trees
- Miscellaneous