Your objective is to implement a program taht deals with a number graph algorithms, and an application of graphs to processor scheduling..
Here is a high-level description of what you are to do:
// validate all data
// read number of nodes and number of processors
read in n, indicating the number of nodes in a graph
read in m, indicating the number of processors (relevant for last phase)
// read edges and edge weights
while (no more input)
read a triple (a,b,wab), indicating a
directed edge from a to b, with edge weight wab
// note a and b are in the range [0..n-1], and wab
is a positive integer
// you now have an n-node graph with weighted edges
// print out tree description as normal adjacency list (with edge
// can print pretty if you want
// use two depth first searches to determine the strongly connected
// clearly identify each strongly connected component and its member
// see section 9.6.5 in Weiss
// find the shortest path lengths from node 0 to all others
// use the O(M lgN) version of Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm
// print the lengths of these paths for each node [0..n-1]
// be careful; it's okay to find an infinite path if not connected
// print out nodes topologically sorted based on edge relation
// print out an indication of a cycle if one is found
// else note the graph is acyclic
// print out an indication if this graph is a tree
// else note the graph is not a tree
// Note: a graph is a tree if
// it has n-1 edges &&
// no cycles &&
// a unique root (unique smallest element in top
// if the graph is a tree then
// treating the nodes as unit execution
time tasks
// treating the links as the inverse of
precedence (a->b means a waits on b)
// develop an m-processor schedule that
will complete all tasks as quickly as possible
// note: reverse links
are great for assigning priorities
but they need to be reversed for assigning processors
Turn in a disk with a directory whose name is the same as yours
Use the convention <Last Name> <Initial of
First Name>
So my folder would be named
The contents of the folder will be
The source file(s) for your
Executable files, as appropriate
to programming language
Test Files named Graph1.txt,
Graph2.txt, ...
Include at least 3 files
One of these must have no cycles
One must have at least two strongly connected components
One must be a tree (and thus apply to the extra credit part)
Text files showing your
output for each test data file
These are named GraphOut1.txt, GraphOut2.txt, ...
A report entitled Results.doc
that makes your output easy to interpret
Hand draw annotated graphs and trees
(you do not need to do pretty computer graphics)
Due: Friday, December 3, 1999 at 4:00 PM
Cutoff: No late assignments will be accepted