David Moore

Individual Progress & Activity Logs

Weekly Activity Log

Week of 11/23/2014
- Contributed to and completed Deliverables #3.
- Tweaked and balanced final game.
- Tested and fixed bugs.

Week of 11/16/2014
- Attended team meeting.

Week of 11/9/2014
- Attended team meeting.
- Implemented guassian randomness.
- Implemented lead fire.

Week of 11/2/2014
- Built object structure for towers and enemies.
- Attended team meeting.

Week of 10/26/2014
- Attended team meeting.

Week of 10/19/2014
- Added content to presentation slides.

Week of 10/12/2014
- Attended coding party. Assisted with development of numerous features. Personal progress in pathfinding and Auto Fire.
- Attended team meeting.

Week of 10/5/2014
- Attended team meeting.

Week of 9/28/2014
- Attended team meeting.
- Completed portion of AutoFire functionality.

Week of 9/14/2014
- Created and committed base project.
- Finished v0.3 of PRP.
- Finished v1.0 of PRP.
- Attended team meeting.

Week of 9/07/2014
- Attended two team meetings.
- Established Git repository.
- Finished v0.2 of PRP.
- Provided team-mates collaboration rights to Git repo.

Week of 8/31/2014
- Attended team meeting to discuss project design and requirements.

Individual Technical Issues & Resolution


Notes / Lessons Learned / etc.


This page was last modified on September 14, 2014.