William Adkins

Individual Progress & Activity Logs

Weekly Activity Log

Week of: 10/24/2014
- Attended team meeting and took part in discussion.
- Prepaired for and participated in team presentation.

Week of: 10/17/2014
- Attended team meeting and took part in discussion.

Week of: 10/12/2014
- Attended large team meeting/codejam session and took part in discussion.

Week of: 10/10/2014
- Attended team meeting and took part in discussion.

Week of: 10/03/2014
- Attended team meeting and took part in discussion.

Week of: 09/26/2014
- Attended team meeting and took part in discussion.

Week of: 09/19/2014
- Attended team meeting and took part in discussion.

Week of: 09/12/2014
- Attended team meeting and took part in discussion.

Week of: 09/11/2014
- Attended team meeting.

Week of: 09/05/2014
- Attended team meeting to discuss project design and requirements.

Individual Technical Issues & Resolution


Notes / Lessons Learned / etc.


This page was last modified on September 11, 2014.