2D Action Shooter

Concept of Operations

COP 4331C, Fall, 2014


Modification history:







Adam Stack

Delivery 1







Team Name: Group 10

Team Web site:

Team Members:

Contents of this Document

The Current System

The Proposed System

The Current System

The current system is in early stages of development. We are learning about Android development and working through some helpful tutorials to further our development knowledge. Our team is working on getting all of the development software installed and set up. We have set up version control through Git hub and are doing our development within android studio and Unity.


The Proposed System: Needs

Our system will need to work to work within Android. The system will have multiple levels, a scoring system. We will also need to create enemies and character leveling. The system will need to be fast enough to provide and enjoyable experience and will also need to include an inventory along with merchants.


The Proposed System: Users and Modes of Operation

Player - The player will be able to level up. The player should be able to customize their character. The player will be able to level up, and equip items.
Enemy - Enemies will be found within each level. there will be manditory enemy battles along with optional battles. Enemies will react to the user and attack the player if the player gets within a certian distance of the enemy.
merchant - Merchants will be found randomly throught the game. They will check the players level and xp. to see what available items the player will have access to.
Adventure - The system will have a single player play through that will have multiple levels, and allow the user to level up his character. The game will be in the form of a top down shooter. The game mode will include levels with multiple enemies, some optional areas and optional enemies.


The Proposed System: Operational Scenarios

The typical scenarios involved are, in a way, limited. The game will be event driven, so the normal operating state is neutral. This state will change based on input, to moving, fighting, looting, buying/selling, talking, or dead. Atypical scenarios involve possible errors involve handling death (respawn and checkpoint functions) as well as map borders and exploits. A user could find a workaround to abuse the NPC merchant system, or find a way to break out of the map and skip to the end of the level.


The Proposed System: Operational Features

Must Have:
Character leveling.
Character customizations. A player should be able to customize their character in basic ways such as the color of their shirts.
Saving the current game state.
Equipping items.

Would Like to Have:
Additional character customization, including gender selection.
Different enemy characters, each having different attack methods.
Additional game modes, such modes could include two player mode, or survival mode.


The Proposed System: Expected Impacts

We believe that this game has the potential to become extremely popular by providing a familiar but new experience to users. The game as a whole will have a very low bar to entry, due to the extremely simple controls necessitated by the platform- however, we treat this as a benefit because it allows us to use extremely simple and inuitive layouts, as well as natural feeling controls. Lastly, the format of the game leaves a robust framework that we could easily upgrade, expand on, and improve over time, meaning the game never has to end.


The Proposed System: Analysis

Expected Improvements:
The product is still in its early stages of development.

The limited amount of time our team has to work together as a group.

The amount of time and resources we have to complete the project.

Developing for a mobile platform.
Creating an Android game with limited C# and Android coding experience.

Alternatives and Tradeoffs:
By creating the game app for Android we are able to use the Android developer suite. It will also allow for millions of people to be able to download and play the game on there accessible android devices.
Since the game will be in 2D we can make the game compact enough to play on any android devices with little space requirements for downloading.

Template created by G. Walton (GWalton@mail.ucf.edu) on August 30, 1999 and last modified on August 15, 2000.

This page last modified by Adam Stack (bigstack80@knights.ucf.edu ) on 09/18/2014