Group 10

Test Results

COP 4331C,Fall,2014


Modification history:







Michael Paulsen




Michael Paulsen

Final test results inputted.





Project Name: 2D Action Shooter

Team Web site:

Team Members:

Test Results

Testing Differentiation:
Actual testing performed varied from the plan considerably. The original plan involved a small number of broadly scoped and widely encompassing tests. In actuality, performing many smaller, and more narrowly designed tests proved both easier and more effective.

Test Case 1: Player Physics

Tester: Michael Paulsen

Description: This test involved maneuvering the player in all directions, firing the player's weapon both stationary and moving, and collision detection of the player's interaction with various game objects.

Results: Pass; the player character behaves as expected. It moves forwards and backwards with rotational turning, and firing the weapon is possible during all movements. The player correctly collides with walls and enemies and can walk over power ups and upgrades.

Test Case 2: Bullet Physics

Tester: Michael Paulsen

Description: This test involved firing the player weapon at various targets and under various circumstances as well as observing the enemy projectiles and their reactions in the game world.

Results: Pass; the player's bullets correctly collide with walls and enemies, dealing damage to the struck enemy in the case of the latter.

Test Case 3: Enemy A.I.

Tester: Michael Paulsen

Description: This test verified the behavioral patterns of the enemy characters that populate the game world.

Results: Pass; the enemies remain dormant until the player approaches. When the player character has approached, the enemy character will 'awake' and begin engaging the player. If the player manages to outrun the enemy and put enough distance between the two of them, the enemy character will return to its dormant state until the player reengages.

Test Case 4: Combat Mechanics

Tester: Michael Paulsen

Description: Verification of player and enemy health and bullet mechanics.

Results: Pass; the player character's health depletes by the correct amount when struck by an enemy bullet. Enemy health depletes correctly when struck by the player bullets, and upon enemy health reaching zero, the enemy object is removed from the game.

Test Case 5: Game Over

Tester: Michael Paulsen

Description: Testing the interactions that occur when player health reaches zero.

Results: Pass; Upon the player's health reaching 0, the game enters the game over end state in which the player is prompted with options to retry or quit. Choosing the quit option returns the player to the main menu, and retrying returns the player to the beginning of the game.

Test Case 6:: Pickups

Tester: Michael Paulsen

Description: Testing the ammo pickups found in the game world.

Results: Pass; the player character correctly collides with the ammo pickups found in the world. The pickup disappears, and the player's ammo count is increased by twenty (20).

Test Case 7: Merchants

Tester: Michael Paulsen

Description: Evaluating the player/merchant interaction.

Results: Pass; upon collision between the player character and the merchant hidden in the game world, the player is rewarded with a weapon fire-rate power-up allowing for faster firing of the player weapon. Subsequent merchants discovered correctly further improve the player's fire rate.

Template created by G. Walton ( on August 15, 2000.

This page last modified by Michael Paulsen ) on 11/25/2014