The Great Race (Group 11)

Project Management Plan

COP 4331C Fall 2014

Project Overview
This project is an android game where the game master sets up the start and destination locations on the map. Two or more individuals/teams can play the game, each member of course has to carry around the smart phone with the GPS to see the map and where the destination is. The game must track the paths of the players, from the start of the game to the end, after which the paths the teams took can be erased. As in all racing games, the goal is to get from point A to point B, what makes this an interesting game/project, is that the teams can track each other since the game shows where everyone is located, and they use their phones to navigate to reach the final destination. The dots/pictures representing each player/team should have the team's name, picture... Whoever reaches the destination first, wins. This game is sort of like "adventure racing", long distance. The transportation (bikes, planes, automobiles...) options and what is allowed to use, is specified by the game master.

Reference Documents

Applicable Standards

Project Team Organization


Artifact Due Dates (Some will have multiple deliveries)
Meeting Minutes Weekly
Individual Logs Weekly
Group Project Management Reports Weekly
ConOps September 18, 2014
Project Plan September 18, 2014
SRS September 18, 2014
High-Level Design October 23, 2014
Detailed Design October 23, 2014
Test Plan November 25, 2014
User's Manual November 25, 2014
Final Test Results November 25, 2014
Source, Executable, Build Instructions November 25, 2014
Project Legacy November 25, 2014

Software Life Cycle
Incremental Phased development will be used for the development of this project. This life cycle will allow for the main functionality to be developed. After the main section is implemented, additional features can be added.

Tools and Computing Environment
Eclipse with Android SDK, Android, Java

Configuration Management
Ideas will be presented to the group during meetings/online postings. This will be done at the beginning of the meeting or next meeting depending on the nature of the content.

Quality Assurance

During the coding phase, two people should proofread major coded segments to ensure that it is maintainable. Each coded section should also be tested thoroughly to ensure proper functionality. All documentation should follow the standards listed above. All members must take part of quality assurance. Any deviations from the projected goals should be announced to the entire team to ensure that everyone is following the proper agenda. Results based on quality assurance will be posted on the website.

Risk Management

Table of Work Packages, Time Estimates, and Assignments
Documentation will be done by everyone in the group during meetings. Coding will be broken up into sections to be divided amongst team members which should take up to 4 weeks.

PERT Chart


Technical Progress Metrics
Progress will be measured by making a list of features of what needs to be completed and using a check list approach to measure progress. Deadlines will be added to scale with the number of features expected to be delivered to the client by a certain date.

Plan for tracking, control, and reporting of progress
Data collection will include features that are being worked on or completed (who is working on what feature, time invested in the feature, and issues that may come up). Progress on goals established by the group will be presented in group meetings.