Chris Chaffin Individual Web Page

COP4331 Fall 2014


Project Name: Online Health Monitoring System

Team Website

Weekly Log

Week #1:

Overall status this week:

    First week of class.

Progress this week:


Issues this week:


Anticipated progress next week:


Week #2:

Overall status this week:

    The team has been assembled and I have been given the task of handling the Test Plan.

Progress this week:

    Joined a team.

Issues this week:


Anticipated progress next week:

    Test Plan 4 hours (10% of 100)

Week #3:

Overall status this week:

    This week I began development of the Test Plan for deliverable 1.

Progress this week:

    Test Plan 1 hour (20% of 100)

    Research JavaScript- 2 hours (15% for total of 15%)

Issues this week:

    I am not really sure how much more of the Test Plan should be filled out at this point.

Anticipated progress next week:

    Test Plan 4 hours (50% of 100)

Week #4:

Overall status this week:

    There was not a whole lot to accomplish this week. I am still learning more about JavaScript.

Progress this week:

    For each action item, list action item and give time spent, percentage completed this week and cumulative percentage completed as of this date. Cumulative percentage is expected to be 100% by due date of action item. The     test plan is 100% completed for deliverable one. I finished this last week so the amount of work involved this week was spent in JavaScript, .5 hours, and talking to the team through emails or in person, .5 hours

Issues this week:

    My only current issue is that my task seems easier than others. I may need to begin helping out with other tasks to balance out the load.

Anticipated progress next week:

    Test Plan 4 hours (50% of 100)

Week #5:

Overall status this week:

    Progress had a bit of a delay this week, but the issues should be resolved at the team meeting today. Next week should be smoother

Progress this week:

    Research - 1 hour (100% for total of 100%)

    Research JavaScript- 2 hours (15% for total of 20%)

Issues this week:

    There were some unexpected communication errors this week, but this was resolved earlier in the week. I spent an hour looking over Project 14 and considering some ideas for the meeting. I also spent an additional two hours learning more JavaScript.

Anticipated progress next week:

    Test Plan- 3 hours (50% for total of 100%)

    Research JavaScript- 2 hours (20% for total of 20%)

Week #6:

Overall status this week:

    Better communication with the team this week. The team meeting on Friday went well, and we were all assigned new modules.

Progress this week:

    Meeting - 1 hour (100% for total of 100%)

    Detailed Design - 1 hour (10% for total of 10%)

    Research JavaScript Calendar- 1 hours (5% for total of 5%)

Issues this week:

    The detailed design along with slides for the presentation is the priority this week. No issues seem to be present for this week. Everything should move along smoothly.

Anticipated progress next week:

    Detailed Design - 4 hours (50% for a total of 100%)

    JavaScript Calendar - 1 hour (5% for total of 10%)

Week #7:

Overall status this week:

    Researched the code for the calendar and worked on the detailed design.

Progress this week:

    Detailed Design – 4 hour (50% for total of 60%)

    Research JavaScript Calendar- 2 hours (10% for total of 10%)

Issues this week:


Anticipated progress next week:

    Detailed Design - 4 hours (100% for a total of 100%)

    JavaScript Calendar - 1 hour (5% for total of 20%)

Week #8:

Overall status this week:

    Completed the detailed design along with the rest of the team two weeks before the due date. This will give us time to fix any mistakes the TA may find on Thursday.

Progress this week:

    Detailed Design - 2 hour (100% for total of 100%)

    JavaScript Calendar - 2 hours (10% for total of 20%)

Issues this week:

    I need to start on the slides for the upcoming presentation and begin working with the team on integrating each module.

Anticipated progress next week:

    JavaScript Calendar - 4 hour (25% for total of 45%)

    Slides for Presentation - 1 hour (100% for total of 100%)

Week #9:

Overall status this week:

    Finished the slides for the presentation on deliverable two.

Progress this week:

    Slides for Presentation - 1 hour (100% for total of 100%)

    JavaScript Calendar - 4 hours (25% for total of 45%)

Issues this week:

    Need to prepare for the team meeting on Friday, which regards the presentation.

Anticipated progress next week:

    JavaScript Calendar - 2 hour (15% for total of 60%)

Week #10:

Overall status this week:

    Went over the presentation for deliverable two with the team, and all was well. The next few weeks are all about the code.

Progress this week:

    JavaScript Calendar - 2 hours (15% for total of 60%)

Issues this week:


Anticipated progress next week:

    JavaScript Calendar - 1 hour (10% for total of 70%)

Week #11:

Overall status this week:

    The presentation for Deliverables 2 went well. This week is primarily about coding.

Progress this week:

    JavaScript Calendar - 5 hours (15% for total of 80%)

Issues this week:


Anticipated progress next week:

    JavaScript Calendar - 5 hour (10% for total of 90%)

Week #12:

Overall status this week:

    I found out the Google API will not work. Looking into new ideas.

Progress this week:

    JavaScript Calendar - 5 hours (15% for total of 80%)

Issues this week:

    I need to find a new API for the calendar.

Anticipated progress next week:

    JavaScript Calendar - 5 hour (10% for total of 90%)

Week #13:

Overall status this week:

    After a bit of backtracking last week, this week seems to be going well. The new Calendar API is almost fully integrated.

Progress this week:

    JavaScript Calendar - 5 hours (15% for total of 90%)

Issues this week:

    I need to finish integration.

Anticipated progress next week:

    JavaScript Calendar - 5 hour (10% for total of 100%)

Week #13:

Overall status this week:

    After a bit of backtracking last week, this week seems to be going well. The new Calendar API is almost fully integrated.

Progress this week:

    JavaScript Calendar - 5 hours (15% for total of 90%)

Issues this week:

    I need to finish integration.

Anticipated progress next week:

    JavaScript Calendar - 5 hour (10% for total of 100%)

Week #14:

Overall status this week:

    Preparing for the presentation on Friday.

Progress this week:

    JavaScript Calendar - 5 hours (15% for total of 10%)

Issues this week:


Anticipated progress next week:

    Deliverable III - 3 hour (100% for total of 100%)

Week #15:

Overall status this week:

    Completed all Project Requirements.

Progress this week:

    Deliverable III - 3 hours (100% for total of 100%)

    Lessons Learned - 3 hours (100% for total of 100%)

Issues this week:


Anticipated progress next week:

    None. All done!

Template created by G. Walton ( on August 15, 2000

This page last modified by Chris Chaffin ( on <9/28/14>