November 21st, 2014: Fixed final few bugs with functionality and presented.
November 20th, 2014: Fixed some major bugs with functionality.
November 19th, 2014: Opened port for HTTP access into Raspberry PI.
November 18th, 2014: Finished work on AJAX requests and began working on fixing bugs.
November 17th, 2014: Began work on AJAX requests for population.
October 31, 2014: Worked on guest user experience.
October 30, 2014: Finished firewall setup and changed ssh port.
October 28, 2014: Started work on RPi Firewall.
October 27, 2014: Set up Raspberry Pi for Remote Access.
October 22, 2014: Finished Desing Issues part of Deliverables 2.
October 15, 2014: Contacted teammates via Slack in regards to starting Deliverables 2.
October 10, 2014: Continued work on the Raspberry PI.
October 2, 2014: Begin setting up a Raspberry PI to act as a server.
September 25, 2014: Started initial coding for website.
September 16, 2014: Met with other team members to work on Deliverables I.
September 12, 2014: Collectively met with TA in lab to discuss project requirements.
September 11, 2014: Met with other team members to assign Project Deliverables.
August 30, 2014: Met with other team members and decided on project.