Dynamic Cadence

Detailed Design

COP4331 Fall 2014


Modification history:







G. H. Walton




Ryan Villaflores

Document Created





Team Name: Dynamic Cadence

Team Members:


Contents of this Document

Design Issues

Detailed Design Information

Trace of Requirements to Design

<NOTE: the audience of this document includes (1) the system and software engineer who must decide if your design is sufficient to satisfy all requirements, and (2) the software engineer who must maintain your product. This document may be a single document or a "virtual document" (i.e. a roadmap with HTML relative links to the relevant information). >

Design Issues: 

<In this section, provide more detail to the design issues discussed in the high-level design. Document the results of each design prototype. Document design decisions and associated risks. Provide sufficient detail so the maintainer won't have to say "why did they do it this way?">

Detailed Design Information:

<In this section, you include diagrams, listings, etc. to provide the complete detail of the design of your product. (Note: depending on the CASE tool or the development environment you are using, you may be able to automatically generate much or all of this section.>

<NOTE: The design documentation must be well organized, modular, and of sufficient detail so that, using only the concept of operations, SRS, and design documentation (and NOT the code):

Trace of Requirements to Design:

< In this section, you must provide a direct trace of each requirement in your SRS to the design: for each requirement, where (in the design) is its implementation?>


Template created by G. Walton (GWalton@mail.ucf.edu) on October 8, 1999 and last modified on August 15, 2000

This page last modified by Ryan Villaflores (