
Software Requirements Specification

COP4331, Fall, 2014


Modification history:







Joseph Burfield




Joseph Burfield

Added team contact info
Added sections: software to be produced; applicable standards; Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations; Interface Requirements, Physical Requirements, Users and Human Factors Requirements, Documentation Requirements, Data Requirements, Resource Requirements and Security Requirements



Joseph Burfield

Updated sections: Product Overview; Stakeholders;
Added sections: Event Tables



Joseph Burfield

Updated sections: Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations;
Added sections: Functional Requirements; Interface Requirements; Physical Environment Requirements; Users and Human Factors Requirements; Documentation Requirements; Data Requirements; Resource Requirements; Security Requirements; Quality Assurance Requirements;



Joseph Burfield

Added sections: Use case diagram; Use case descriptions;



Joseph Burfield

Updated sections: Use case diagram; Use case descriptions;
Finished first draft


Team Name: Group 9

Team Members:

Contents of this Document


Definition, Acronyms, and Abbreviations

Product Overview

Specific Requirements

Supporting Material

SECTION 1: Introduction

Software to be Produced:

Reference Documents:

Applicable Standards:

 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations:

SECTION 2: Product Overview



Event Table:

Event Name

External Stimuli

External Responses

Internal data and state

Create Profile

Opening application for the first time

Application will be on a "Create Profile" page

Gets profile of user for the application to base suggestions off of and to personalize notifications of upcoming events. Certain values are entered into database. After initial profile is created, the main screen is the starting screen.

View Profile

Clicking on "View Profile" button on interface

Directs to "Profile" form

Allows user to view what they entered for their profile

Edit Profile

Clicking on "Edit Profile" button on the "Profile" page

Directs to "Edit Profile" form

Allows user to modify the values they entered for their profile. Updates certain fields in database

View Calendar

Clicking "View Calendar" button on interface

Directs to "Calendar" page

Allows user to view their calendar

Add Event

Clicking on "Add Event" button on "Calendar" page

Directs to "Add Event" window

Allows user to add an event to their calendar, updates database and suggestions AI

Edit Event

Clicking on an existing event on the user's calendar

Directs to "Edit Event" window

Allows user to edit an event on their calendar, updates database and suggestions AI

Delete Event

Clicking on "Delete Event" after clicking on event to delete on calendar

Deletes event

Allows user to delete an event on their calendar, updates database and suggestions AI

View Suggestions

Clicking on "View Suggestions" button on interface

Directs to "Suggestions" page

Allows user to view current suggestions and rate the current suggestions, and new ones can be added (by program) based off those ratings.


Use Case Diagram:

Use Case Descriptions: