FAQ for Project
Q: If I want to test the code from the book.. (the first ex. of ch.9) I understand
there is a .java file and then a .html file? Now my question is, where do I
put/save those files?? and how do associate that with tomcat?? where do I begin?
A: The text describes where to put files. You can also see the structure that
is required by looking at the examples that come with Tomcat. The way it associates
files with Tomcat is most easily seen when you run the Tomcat http server which
listens to port 8080. That server has the Tomcat service plugged in. It expects
html files to be located under the webapp folder. So, for example if you try
to run http://localhost:8080/examples/Project.html, you would place Project.html
in the examples subfolder of the weapps folder. webapps itself is located directly
under the Tomcat folder. “.java” files would not be very interesting,
as they would display as text. The “.class” files are the ones you
typically want to reference. The classes that represent servlets are placed
in the folder WEB-INF/classes under examples. This area is then referred to
as http://localhost:8080/examples/servlet/HelloWorldExample, if you are managing
your services under the examples folder. The name “examples” used
here is just an example. We will set up areas on one of my servers that you
students can use in your projects. They will be named according to the name
you choose for your project. Now, it is necessary to tell the Tomcat system
to load the servlets from your examples folder. That is done in the Tomcat manager.
I will show this in class on next Wednesday.The text describes where to put
files. You can also see the structure that is required by looking at the examples
that come with Tomcat. The way it associates files with Tomcat is most easily
seen when you run the Tomcat http server which listens to port 8080. That server
has the Tomcat service plugged in. It expects html files to be located under
the webapp folder. So, for example if you try to run http://localhost:8080/examples/Project.html,
you would place Project.html in the examples subfolder of the weapps folder.
webapps itself is located directly under the Tomcat folder. “.java”
files would not be very interesting, as they would display as text. The “.class”
files are the ones you typically want to reference. The classes that represent
servlets are placed in the folder WEB-INF/classes under examples. This area
is then referred to as http://localhost:8080/examples/servlet/HelloWorldExample,
if you are managing your services under the examples folder. The name “examples”
used here is just an example. We will set up areas on one of my servers that
you students can use in your projects. They will be named according to the name
you choose for your project. Now, it is necessary to tell the Tomcat system
to load the servlets from your examples folder. That is done in the Tomcat manager.
I will show this in class on next Wednesday.