
Demo Readme

CryptoBeans Bean Suite Version 1.0

This document contains a description of two demos, which show how you can create applications that allow performing cryptographic transformations of files.

For information on how to create these applications using visual programming, see the Encryptor Demo and the MessageWrapper Demo wiring instructions.

To see the wiring and run these applications in VisualAge for Java 3.5, install Java Cryptography Extension 1.2.1 with cryptographic service providers and import them into Visual Age in accordance with the Installation Instructions. Then, import the CryptoBeans jar file (in the lib directory) and the demo dat file (in the demo directory) into VisualAge for Java 3.5. Use the VisualAge for Java's "Check Class Path..." option to specify the correct CLASSPATH setting before you run the demo application. This ensures that VisualAge for Java can locate all the classes needed to run the application. Add the project, which contains the CryptoBeans suite classes to CLASSPATH.

Note: These demos utilize default values of algorithm types, key sizes, and provider names. However, in more complicated applications you may need some other values. Algorithm type for encryption is of the "algorithm/mode/padding" form or just "algorithm", and corresponds to "transformation" in Java Cryptography Extension API. Each cryptographic service provider implements a number of cryptographic services and defines its own names for them. For more detailed information about algorithm names and corresponding key sizes see the Java Cryptography Extension API documentation as well as documentation supplied with your cryptographic service providers. 

How to Run These Demos

  1. First, make sure that the CryptoBeans Bean Suite is properly installed, as described in the documentation provided with this package.
  2. Change to the demo directory and type java runDemoX (where X denotes the number of the demo you want to run) at the command prompt. This starts the corresponding demo.


What the Demo Does

The first demo demonstrates the encryption of the file contents. The contents of the first file is encrypted by the Encryptor bean and written into the second file. Default transformation type (Triple DES in the CBC mode), cryptographic service provider (SunJCE), and key size (168 bit) are used. The key generated during the application execution is saved in the file with the default name “usedKey.key” in the current directory.

The result of the application execution is shown in the following figure: 

The Encryptor demo application

The functions shown in this example are simple:

  1. Type the name of the source file in the Source file name text field. Note that this should be a valid file name.
  2. Type the name of the transformed (encrypted) file in the Transformed file name text field. This file is created as a result of the application execution.
  3. Click the Transform button. The message regarding the transformation result is displayed in the Result message text field. 

Wiring Instructions

To build the application, do the following:

  1. Create a new class with the JFrame superclass.
  2. Drop on the frame:
    1. JLabel with the text property set to "Source file name"
    2. JTextField to enter the name of the source file
    3. JLabel with the text property set to "Transformed file name"
    4. JTextField to enter the name of the transformed file 
    5. JLabel with the text property set to "Result message"
    6. JTextField to display the result message 
    7. JButton with the text property set to "Transform". 
  3. Drop on the design surface:
    1. The Encryptor bean.

Make the following connections:

  1. Connect the Encryptor’s fetchArguments event to the Encryptor’s inputSourceFileName property. Take the value for this connection from the Source file name JTextField's text property. This sets the name of the source file.
  2. Connect the Encryptor’s fetchArguments event to the Encryptor’s inputTransformedFileName property. Take the value for this connection from the Transformed file name JTextField's text property. This sets the name of the transformed file. 
  3. Connect the Transform button's actionPerformed event to the Encryptor's triggerAction() method. This starts the transformation process.
  4. Connect the Encryptor's actionError event to the Result message JTextField's text property, passing "Transformation failed!" as the parameter for this connection. This displays the result message.
  5. Connect the Encryptor's triggerNextAction event to the Result message JTextField's text property, passing "Transformation is complete!" as the parameter for this connection. This displays the result message. 

The wiring for this application is shown in the following figure.

The Encryptor demo wiring

Note: In the above application you may use the HashCalculator bean instead of the Encryptor bean. All the connections remain the same, but the result of the program execution is the hash value of the message.


What the Demo Does

The second demo demonstrates wrapping of the file contents by means of the MessageWrapper bean. The contents of the file is encrypted with the password and wrapped into the second file. Besides, the encrypted file, its hash value, and some other parameters are wrapped so that it is possible to check the data integrity with the MessageUnwrapper bean. The demo uses default transformation types (PBEWithMD5AndDES for password-based encryption and Triple DES in the CBC mode for encryption), cryptographic service providers (SunJCE for encryption and SUN for hash function), and key size (168 bit). 

The result of the application execution is shown in the following figure: 

The MessageWrapper demo application

  1. Enter the password in the Password password field. This password value is used for generation of the symmetric key for encryption.

  2. Type the name of the source file in the Source file name text field. Pay attention that this should be a valid file name.

  3. Type the name of the transformed (wrapped) file in the Transformed file name text field. This file is created as a result of the application execution.

  4. Click the Transform button. The message regarding the transformation result is displayed in the Result message text field.

Wiring Instructions

To build the application, do the following:

  1. Create a new class with the JFrame superclass.
  2. Drop on the frame:
    1. JLabel with the text property set to "Password"
    2. JPasswordField to enter the password
    3. JLabel with the text property set to "Source file name"
    4. JTextField to enter the name of the source file
    5. JLabel with the text property set to "Transformed file name"
    6. JTextField to enter the name of the transformed file 
    7. JLabel with the text property set to "Result message"
    8. JTextField to display the result message 
    9. JButton with the text property set to "Transform". 
  3. Drop on the design surface:
    1. The MessageWrapper bean.

Make the following connections:

  1. Connect the MessageWrapper’s fetchArguments event to the MessageWrapper’s inputPassword property. Take the value for this connection from the Password JPasswordField's password property. This sets the password, which is used for encryption.
  2. Connect the MessageWrapper’s fetchArguments event to the MessageWrapper’s inputSourceFileName property. Take the value for this connection from the Source file name JTextField's text property. This sets the name of the source file.
  3. Connect the MessageWrapper’s fetchArguments event to the MessageWrapper’s inputTransformedFileName property. Take the value for this connection from the Transformed file name JTextField's text property. This sets the name of the transformed file. 
  4. Connect the Transform button's actionPerformed event to the MessageWrapper's triggerAction() method. This starts the transformation process.
  5. Connect the MessageWrapper's actionError event to the Result message JTextField's text property, passing "Transformation failed!" as the parameter for this connection. This displays the result message.
  6. Connect the MessageWrapper's triggerNextAction event to the Result message JTextField's text property, passing "Transformation is complete!" as the parameter for this connection. This displays the result message. 

The wiring for this application is shown in the following figure.

The MessageWrapper demo wiring


  1. In the above demo you may use the PBEncryptor bean instead of the MessageWrapper bean. All the connections remain the same, but the result of the program execution is the file, which contains only the encrypted contents of the first file.

  2. In the above demo you may use the MessageUnwrapper bean instead of MessageWrapper. All the connections remain the same, but MessageUnwrapper tries to decrypt the first file with the password and compare its hash value with the value wrapped into the file. As a result either the unwrapped file is successfully generated, or some event is fired. The incorrectPassword event allows checking, whether the right password is entered, and the contentsCorrupted event means that the wrapped file contents is corrupted.