COT 5405: Design and Analysis of Algorithms (Fall 2009)
Classification of algorithms, e.g., recursive, divide-and-conquer, greedy, etc. Data Structures and algorithm design and performance. Time and space complexity analysis.
Class Meeting Time: MoWe 4:30PM - 5:45PM HEC 0103 Class Meeting Dates: 08/24/2009 - 12/14/2009 First Exam Time: 09/30/2009 Solution: Exam1-Key.doc Second Exam Time: TBA Final Exam Time: 12/14/2009, 4:00PM - 6:50PM
Notice (2009-08-27)
Assignments Homework 1: (Problem: Hw1.doc, due date: Mo 09/07/2009) Solution: Hw1-solution.doc Homework 2: (Problem: Hw2.doc, due date: Mo 09/28/2009) Homework 3: (Problem: Hw3.doc, due date: We 11/04/2009) Homework 4: (Problem: Hw4.doc, due date: TBA)
Additional Materials and Resources
Course Syllabus: Syllabus.doc