COT 5405: Design and Analysis of Algorithms (Fall 2010)


Dr. Pawel Wocjan
Office: HEC Room 339
Voice: (407) 823-2844
Office Hours:
MoWe 15:00pm - 16:15pm

Teaching Assistant

Yuan Li (
Office Hour: meeting by appointment

Class Meeting Room:  HEC 103
Class Meeting Time:   MoWe 16:30PM - 17:45PM
Class Meeting Dates:  23/08/2010 - 13/12/2010


Abbr Book Titles Authors
CLRS book Introduction to Algorithms (Third Edition) T. H. Cormen
C. E. Leiserson
R. L. Rivest
C. Stein
DPV book Algorithms S. Dasgupta
C. Papadimitriou
U. Vazirani


No. Exams Dates
1 First midterm exam
Oct 042010 (Mon)
2 Second midterm exam
Nov 10 2010 (Wed)
3 Final exam Dec 13 2010 (Mon), 4:00pm-6:50pm

Homework Assignments

No. Assignments Solutions
1 Homework 1 (doc)
Homework 1 (pdf)
Homework 1 solution
2 Homework 2 (pdf)
Homework 2 solution
3 Homework 3 (pdf) Homework 3 solution
4 DP bonus assignment for Exam 2 DP bonus solution
5 Bonus homework --

Additional Materials and Resources

Materials and Resources
Lecture 1 and 2 (by Arup Guha on 23/08 and 25/08)


Lecture 3 (01/09)

Adjacency matrix, adjacency list
Depth-first search in undirected graphs
  • Procedures explore(G,v) and dfs(G)
  • DFS search tree/forest
  • Types of edges (tree and back edges)
  • Connected components in undirected graphs
  • Previsit and postvisit orderings

Lecture 4 (06/09)

Depth-first search in directed graphs
  • Types of edges (tree, forward, back, and cross edges)
Topological sorting
Strongly connected components

Lecture 5 (08/09)

Algorithm for finding strongly connected components (variant in DPV book)
Breadth first search

Lecture 6 (13/09)

Algorithm for finding strongly connected components (variant in CLRS book)
Dijkstra's algorithm

Lecture 7 (15/09)

Analysis of Dijkstra's algorithm (array and heap implementations of priority queue)
Bellman-Ford algorithm

Lecture 8 (20/09)

Finding shortest paths in DAGs with negative edge weights
Kruskal' algorithm, cut property

Lectrure 9 (22/09)

Data structure for disjoint sets, union by rank
Overview of path compression

Lecture 10 (27/09)

Prim's algorithm
Approximation algorithm for set cover

Lecture 11 (29/09)

Randomized algorithm for min-cut based on Kruskal's algorithm
Randomized algorithm for min-cut based on edge contraction

Lecture 12 (04/10)

First midterm exam

Lecture 13 (11/10)

Reading assignment: Huffman encoding and Horn formulas
Shortest paths in DAGs
Longest increasing subsequences
Knapsack with repetition

Lecture 14 (13/10)

Reading assignment: edit distance, chain matrix multiplication and independent sets in trees
Knapsack without repetition
Shortest reliable paths
All-pairs shortest paths, Floyd-Warshall algorithm

Lecture 15 (18/10)

Reading assignment: sections 7.1 and 7.2 in DPV book
Dynamic programming algorithm for traveling salesman problem
Flow networks (section 26.1 in CLRS book)

Lecture 16 (20/10)

Ford-Fulkerson method
Residual networks
Augmenting paths
Cuts of flow networks

Lecture 17 (25/10)

Max-flow min-cut theorem
Analysis of Ford-Fulkerson method

Lecture 18 (27/10)

Analysis of Edmonds-Karp algorithm

Lecture 19 (01/11)

Introduction to linear programming

Lecture 20 (01/11)

Reduction of max-flow to linear programming
Bipartite matching

Lecture 21 (08/11)

Overview of the simplex method

Lecture 22 (10/11)

Second midterm exam

Lecture 23 (15/11)

Solution of the DP problems on the second exam
Dealing with NP-completeness, backtracking

Lecture 24 (17/11)

Approximation algorithm, approximation ratio
Approximation algorithm for vertex cover
Lecture 24 (22/11)

Approximation algorithm for clustering
Approximation algorithm for metric TSP
Lecture 24 (24/11)

Solution to LP problem on second exam
Approximation for knapsack without repetition