COT5520 - Computational Geometry
Fall 2003, 3Hrs
M W 16:30 - 17:45pm
Room: Eng II 302
Prof. Amar Mukherjee
Office 208 CSB
Office and/or email hours: 15:30 to 16:30 M W
Email Address:
Telephone: 407-823-2763
Teaching Associate:
Khurram Hassan Shafique.
Tele: 407-823-4733
Office hours: Tu Th 15:00 to 16:00 hrs CSB-103
Academic Calendar
Final Exam Schedule: Monday December 8, 2003; 16:00 to 18:50
Course Pre-requisite
Pre-requisite: Background in Design and Analysis of Algorithms
or Instructor's permission. Seniors are encouraged to take
this course.
Course Description and Goals
Computational geometry is the study of algorithms for solving
geometric problems on a computer. The field of computational geometry
is less than 20 years old and a thriving community of researchers
has emerged working on fundamental problems relevant to several
application domains including computer graphics, solid modeling,
computer generated forces,virtual reality, simulated training, computer-aided ma
robotics, computer vision, VLSI design, CAD/CAM, geographic information systems,
and statistics.
The goal of the course is to teach the fundamental paradigms
for designing efficient algorithms dealing with collections
of geometric objects such as points, lines, line segments, planes, or
higher dimensional objects.
The class assignments will consist of homework problems,
a midterm exam, a term project and a final exam.
The major topics include the following:
Reference Text:
Methods of Evaluation (Subject to Change)
Homework Assignments 35%; Midterm(s): 20%; Term project: 20%; Final:25%
Grading: >95% is A; 90-95% A-; >85% B+, 82-85% B,80-81% B-
C and D grades are broken down similarly like B in the 70's and 60's
percentages. Any score below 60% is F.
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Last modified August, 2003