COT 5937 Language and Semantic Issues in Distributed Computing

COT 5937
Spring 1997
Language and Semantic Issues
in Distributed Computing

Copyright © 1997 Rebecca J. Parsons


Welcome to the Special Topics course on Language and Semantic Issues in Distributed Computing. This course will look at distributed computing from the perspective of languages, language semantics and application development as opposed to hardware architecture, operating systems, or networking. To do this, you will develop an understanding of programming languages as a discipline as opposed to a language only being a vehicle with which to write a program. Additionally, you will learn the tools of a semanticist: denotational, operational, and axiomatic semantics. These tools will be used to characterize an example distributed language (to be named by the class). This language includes constructs to allow different forms of distributed computing. The semantic tools will allow us to compare these differing forms, determining the situations in which each style is appropriate, and the advantages and disadvantages of the approaches.

The course text is ``Formal Syntax and Semantics of Programming Languages'' by Slonneger and Kurtz. This information will be supplemented with handouts on the distributed component of the course. In addition, there are course notes and directions accessible here.

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