Theory Fall 2010

Structure: TR 1800-1915 (6:00PM-7:15PM);
28 class periods, each 75 minutes long.
Go To Week 1, 2, 3, 4,
5, 6, 7,
8, 9, 10,
11, 12, 13,
14, 15
Instructor: Charles Hughes; Harris Engineering Center 247C;
Office Hours: TR 1530-1645
Required Reading: Notes
Recommended Reading:
Garey & Johnson, Computers and Intractability: A guide to the
Theory of NP-Completeness, W. H. Freeman & Co., 1979.
Papadimitriou & Lewis, Elements of the Theory of Computation,
Prentice-Hall, 1997.
Hopcroft, Motwani&Ullman, Intro to Automata Theory, Languages
and Computation 2nd Ed., Addison-Wesley, 2001
Davis, Sigal and Weyuker, Computability, Complexity and Languages
2nd Ed., Academic Press (Morgan Kaufmann), 1994.
Sipser, Introduction to the Theory of Computation 2nd Ed.,
Course Technologies, 2005
Web Pages:
Base URL:
Assignments: Around 6 to 8; Paper + Presentation
Exams: midterm and a final.
Exam Dates (Tentative): Exam#1 – Tuesday,
October 5 (tentative); Withdraw Deadline – Friday, October 15; Veterans
Day – Thursday, November 11; Thanksgiving – Thursday, November 25;
Final – Tues., Dec. 7, 4:00PM–6:50PM
Evaluation (Tentative):
- Mid Term – 100 points ; Final Exam – 150 points
- Assignments – Up to 100 points; Paper and Presentation – 50 points
- Total Available: About 400
- Grading will be A >= 90%, B+ >= 85%, B >= 80%, C+
>= 75%, C >= 70%, D >= 50%, F < 50%
Weeks#1: (8/24, 8/26) -- Notes pp. 2-46; Syllabus
- Ground rules
- Decision problems
- Solving vs checking
- Procedures vs algorithms
- Introduction to theory of compuation
- Terminology, goals and some historical perspective
- Basic notions of computability and complexity
- Existence of unsolvable problems (counting and
Assignment #0
Send me an e-mail with subject COT6410 containing
(1)where and when you took Discrete Structures II or its equivalent.
(2) your area(s) of strong research interests.
There is no actual credit for this, but it establishes the lines
of communication.
Due: 8/27 by midnight
Week#2: (8/31,
9/2) -- Notes
pp. 47-81
- Solved, solvable, unsolved, unsolvable, re, non-re
- Hilbert's Tenth
- Lots about problems and their complexity
- Models of computation
- Turing machines
- Register machines
- Factor replacement systems (FRS)
- RM simulated by Ordered FRS
- FRS equivalent to Petri Nets (ordered and unordered)
Week#3: (9/7, 9/9) -- Notes
- Systems related to FRS (Petri Nets, Vector Addition,
Abelian Semi-Groups)
- Primitive Recursive Functions (prf)
- Initial functions
- Closure under composition and recursion
- Addition and multiplication examples
- Sample functions and predicates
- Closure under cases
- Bounded minimization
- Arithmetic fuctions that use bounded search
- Pairing functions
- mu-recursion and the partial recursive functions
- Notions of instantaneous descriptions
- Encodings
- Equivalence of models
Assignment #1
Show that prfs are closed under Fibonacci induction.
Fibonacci induction means that at each induction
step, y+1, after calculating the two base values is computed
using the y-th and (y-1)st values. The formal hypothesis is:
Assume g1, g2 and h are already known to be prf, then so
is f,
f(x,0) = g1(x); f(x,1) = g2(x)
f(x,y+1) = h(f(x,y),f(x,y-1))
Hint: The pairing function is useful here.
Due: September 16 (at start of class)

Week#4: (9/14, 9/16) -- Notes
- More equivalences
- Final steps of equivalence
- Universal machines
- Consequences of equivalence
- Undecidability (Halting Problem, shown by diagonalization)
- Notation matching (mine versus book's)
- RE sets and semidecidability
- Enumeration Theorem
- The set K = { n | n is in the
n-th re set } is re, non-recursive
- Alternative characterizations of re sets
- Parameter Theorem (aka Sm,n Thearem)
- Quantification and re sets
- Diagonalization revisited (set of algorithms, Ko or Lu,
is non-re)
- Quantification and non-re sets
- Reduction
- Classic sets Ko (Lu), NON-EMPTY (Lne), EMPTY
- Reducibility and degrees (many-one, one-one, Turing)
Assignment #2
For the sets in a) and b), write a set description that involves the
use of a minimum sequence of alternating quantifiers in front of a
totally computable predicate (typically formed from STP
and/or VALUE). Choosing from among (REC)
recursive, (RE) re
non-recursive, (Co-RE) co-re,
non-recursive, (HU) non-re/non-co-re,
categorize each of the sets based on the quantified predicate you just
wrote. No proofs are required. The following is a sample answer:
Sample.) S = { f | f(x) diverges
for all x }
Co-RE since f is in
S iff for all <x,t> [ ~STP( x, f, t )]
a.) A = { f | domain(f) is infinite }
b.) B = { f | f(x) > x for at least one value x }
c.) C = { <f,x> | f(x) > x whenever f(x)
converges }
2. Consider the set of indices SemiConstant = { f |
|range(f)| = 1 }. Use reduction from Halting
Problem to show that SemiConstant is
undecidable (not recursive).
Due: 9/23

Week#5: (9/21, 9/23) -- Notes
- Complete re set (K and Ko as examples)
- Lr = { x | dom[x] is recursive }
- Lnr = { x | dom[x] is not recursive }
- Rice's Theorem
- "Picture" proofs
Assignment #3
1. Show that K <=m SemiConstant =
{ f | |range(f)| = 1 }. To do this, define a total
recursive function g, such that index f is
in K iff g(f) is in SemiConstant.
Be sure to address both cases (f in & f
not in).
2. What, if anything, does Rice’s Theorem have to say about the
following? In each case explain by either showing that all of Rice’s
conditions are met or convincingly that at least one is not met.
a.) SemiConstant = { f | |range(f)| = 1
b.) BOUNDED = { f | there is a g such that for all x [ if f(x)
converges then g(x) > f(x) ] }
Due: 9/30
Week#6: (9/28, 9/30) -- Notes
- Real-Time and Mortal Machines
- Introduction to rewriting systems (Thue, Post)
- Post Canonical Forms
- Semi-Thue systems
- Word problems
- Simulating Turing Machine by Semi-Thue System
- Simulating by Thue Systems
- Grammars and re sets
- Review and go over sample questions
- Sample Exam
- Sample Exam Key
Week#7: (10/5, 10/7) -- Notes
- Exam #1 (Tuesday)
- Unsolvable problems related to context-free
- Post Correspondence Problem
- Ambiguity of CFGs
- Non-Emptiness of CFL Intersections
- Context-Sensitive Grammars and Unsolvability Results
Week#8: (10/12, 10/14) -- Notes
- Valid (CSL) and Invalid Traces (CFL)
- Intersection and Quotients of CFLs
- Details on Valid (CSL) and Invalid Traces (CFL)
- Intersection of CFLs revisited
- Quotients of CFLs revisited
- Type 0 grammars and Traces
- L = all string over an alphabet
- L=L^2 for L a CFL
- Revisit Set Real-Time (Constant-Time)
- Real-Time and Mortal Machines
- Finite Power Problem for CFLs
- Propositional Calculus
- Note: 10/15 is the Withdraw Deadline
Assignment #4
Prove that PCP is decidable over a one-letter
alphabet. Do so by presenting a detailed algorithm that solves and
one-letter instance of PCP.
Due: 10/21
Week#9: (10/19, 10/21) -- Notes
- Basics of Complexity Theory
- Verifiers versus solvers
- NP as verifiable in
deterministic polynomial time
- P as solvable in deterministic
polynomial time
- NP as solvable in
non-deterministic polynomial time
- Million dollar question: P = NP ?
- Some NP problems that do not
appear to be in P: SubsetSum, Hamiltonian Path, k-Clique
- Concepts of NP-Complete and
- Canonical NP-Complete problem:
SAT (Satisfiability)
Week#10: (10/26, 10/28) --
- Construction that maps every
problem solvable in non-deterministic polynomial time on TM to SAT
- 3SAT as a second NP-Complete problem
- 3SAT to SubsetSum reduction
- Partition
equivalence to SubsetSum
- Key to Exam#1
- Prep for Exam#2
Assignment #5
Assuming a 3SAT expression (a + ~b + c) (b + b +
~c), show the reduction from 3SAT to Subset-Sum.
Due: 11/4

Week#11: (11/2, 11/4) -- Notes
- Exam#2 (Tuesday)
- Reduction techniques
- Isomophism
of k-Coloring with k-Register Aloocation of live variables
- Reduction
of 3SAT to k-Vertex Cover
- Scheduling on multiprocessor
- N processors, M tasks, no
- 2 processor scheduling -- greedy
first fit, greedy best fit, sorted, optimal
- Greedy versus optimal ((N+1)/N)
- Precedences (lists, delays,
- Anomalies (reducing
preceeedence, increasing processors, reducing times)
- Unit Execution Time: Trees,
forest, anti forests
- UET: DAGs and m=2
Assignment #6
See Pages 482/483 of Notes
Due: 11/16
Week#12: (11/9) -- Notes
- Alliances and Secure Sets
- Fixed Parameter Tractable (FTP)
- Note that you must send me your
presentations at least 2 days before you present)
- Thursday, November 11, is a holiday

Week#13: (11/16,
11/18) -- Notes
- co-NP
- P = co-P ; P contained in
intersection of NP and co-NP
- NP-Hard
- QSAT as an example of NP-Hard,
possibly not NP
- Presentation (Losert)
Week#14:(11/23) -- Notes
- Presentations (Fontaine, Warner)
- Thursday, November 25, is a holiday

Week#15:(11/30, 12/2) -- Notes
- Presentations (Miller, Riggs)
- All papers related to presentations are due at 6:00PM on 12/2.
I prefer just electronic versions of word or pdf files. If a pdf, I
would also like the files used to create it in a zip or rar.
- Your papers must include one to two questions you would aks of
your audience
- Key to Exam#2
- Sample
Final Exam Questions
- Several of Dr. Dutton's Final Questions
- For graph coloring, for
example, we showed in class that unless P = NP,
there is no polynomial time algorithm that can guarantee a solution that
is within any fixed constant of the optimal. Use that problem, or one of your
choosing, to prove that statement.
- What is the difference
between proving a problem is NP-Hard and proving a problem is NP-Easy (or,
equivalently, NP-Equivalent)?
- The power of "reductions"
is critical to the areas of Complexity and Computability. Especially:
constructing them in the "right" direction. Consider the decision problem asking
if there is a coloring of a graph with at most k colors, and the optimization
version which asks what is the minimum coloring number of a graph. (You may
choose your own favorite pair of problems if you choose). You can reduce in
both directions.
So, do that. Make sure you carefully
explain for each direction just what it is that you are proving.
- Draw a neatly labeled picture
of the "world of NP," including its surroundings. Neatly label it and
give a short (one or so) sentence describing what each is.
Discussion of function problems. Review for Final exam

Final Exam; Tuesday
December 7; 4:00PM to 6:50PM in HEC118
© UCF (Charles E. Hughes)
-- Last Modified December 4, 2010