Computer Science
Availability of CoursesThe university does not offer all of the courses listed in the catalog each year. The Schedule of Classes should be consulted to determine which courses are offered each semester.CAP 5015 ECS-EECS 3(3,0) Multimedia Compression on the Internet: PR: Seniors and graduate students with interest in internet technology. Multimedia data; internet technology; entropy; compression methods; lossy compression; vector quantization; transform coding; wavelet video compression; model based compression. CAP 5415 ECS-EECS 3(3,0) Computer Vision: PR: COP 3530C. Image formation, binary vision, region growing and edge detection, shape representation, dynamic scene analysis, texture, stereo and range images, and knowledge representation. CAP 5610 ECS-EECS 3(3,0) Machine Learning: PR: CAP 4630 or C.I. Origin/evaluation of machine intelligence; machine learning concepts and their applications in problem solving, planning and "expert systems"; symbolic role of human and computers. CAP 5636 ECS-EECS 3(3,0) Advanced Artificial Intelligence: PR: CAP 4630. AI theory of knowledge representation, "expert systems," memory organization, problem solving, learning, planning, vision, and natural language. CAP 5725 ECS-EECS 3(3,0) Computer Graphics Systems I: PR: COP 3530C or equivalent. Architecture of graphics processors; display hardware; principles of programming and display software; problems and applications of graphic systems. CAP 6411 ECS-EECS 3(3,0) Computer Vision Systems: PR: CAP 5410. Recent systems contributing toward recognition, reasoning, knowledge representation, navigation, and dynamic scene analysis. Comparisons, enhancements, and integrations of such systems. CAP 6412 ECS-EECS 3(3,0) Advanced Computer Vision: PR: CAP 5410. Computational theories of perception, shape from IX' techniques, multi-resolution image analysis, 3-D model based vision, perceptual organization, spatiotemporal model, knowledge-based vision systems. CAP 6640 ECS-EECS 3(3,0) Computer Understanding of Natural Language: PR: CAP 5601. A study of the different approaches to build programs to "understand" natural language. The theory of parsing, knowledge representation, memory, and inference will be studied. CAP 6671 ECS-EECS 3(3,0) Intelligent Systems: PR: CAP 5610. Study of computer systems exhibiting intelligent attributes, particularly learning; basic concepts related to characteristics, capabilities, design, and principles of operation; discussion of relevant philosophical/social issues. CAP 6676 ECS-EECS 3(3,0) Knowledge Representation: PR: CAP 5636. Topics covered include terminological languages, logicist approaches, ontologies, ontological and conceptual relativity, processes, intangibles, time, building large knowledge bases, and complexity analysis. CAP 6701 ECS-EECS 3(3,0) Computer Graphic Systems II: PR: CAP 5725. Modeling design and analysis of graphics systems; data structures, numerical techniques, algorithms, and optimum seeking methods for various problems in computer graphics. CDA 5106 ECS-EECS 3(3,0) Advanced Computer Architecture I: PR: CDA 4150. Instruction set architectures, processor implementation, memory hierarchy, pipelining, computer arithmetic, vector processing, and I/O. CDA 5110 ECS-EECS 3(3,0) Parallel Architecture and Algorithms: PR: COT 4210, CDA 5106. General-purpose vs. special-purpose parallel computers; arrays, message-passing; shared-memory; taxonomy; parallization techniques; communication synchronization and granularity; parallel data structures; automatic program restructing. CDA 5215 ECS-EECS 3(3,0) Architecture and Design of VLSI: PR: CDA 4150 or equivalent. Overview of VLSI technology. Logical design of basic subsystems; integrated system design tools; design of a VLSI computer system. CDA 5501 ECS-EECS 3(3,0) Computer Communication Networks Architecture: PR: CDA 4150. Computer networks, layers, protocols and interfaces, local area networks networking. CDA 5530 ECS-EECS 3(3,0) Performance Models of Computers and Networks: PR: Senior standing or beginning graduate student. Performance models of computer systems and networks using probability models and discrete event simulations. Queuing theory and modeling tools. CDA 6107 ECS-EECS 3(3,0) Advanced Computer Architecture II: PR: CDA 5106. Multiprocessor systems; interconnection network; stack architectures; high-level language architecture; design languages; performance evaluation. CDA 6108 ECS-EECS 3(3,0) Selected Topics in Computer Architecture: PR: CDA 5106. Selected research papers on multiprocessors, database machines, virtual machines, ultra-computer, connection machine, MPP, Butterfly flow architectures, object-based architectures, fault tolerant architectures. CDA 6211 ECS-EECS 3(3,0) VLSI Algorithms and Architecture: PR: CDA 5210. VLSI algorithms, algorithms on regular geometries, hierarchically organized machines; illustrative algorithms: Matrix, DFT, recurrence evaluation, pattern matching, searching, sorting, graph, etc.; area-time complexity issues. CDA 6520 ECS-EECS 3(3,0) Computer Networks Design and Distributive Processing: PR: CDA 5501 and COP 5611. Computer communications networks design considerations, network operating system, distributive processing. CEN 6081 ECS-EECS 3(3,0) Engineering Software Design in Distributed and Parallel Systems: PR: EEL 4882 and EEL 4884 or EEL 5881. This course will focus on engineering software design, implementation, configuration and performance evaluation of distributed and parallel systems. CIS 6611 ECS-EECS 3(3,0) Software Engineering II: COP 5021 ECS-EECS 3(3,0) Program Analysis: PR: COP 4020 and COT 4210. Syntactic and semantic analysis of programs. Theoretical and practical limitations, attribute evaluation, data flow analysis, program optimization, intermediate representations code generation. Tools to automate analysis. COP 5570 ECS-EECS 3(3,0) Software Tools: PR: COP 4600 and COP 5021. Systems programming languages, concurrent programming, design and implementation of software development/maintenance tools. A large programming project is required. COP 5611 ECS-EECS 3(3,0) Operating Systems Design Principles: PR: COP 4600. Structure and functions of operating systems, process communication techniques, high-level concurrent programming, virtual memory systems, elementary queuing theory, security, distributed systems, case studies. COP 5711 ECS-EECS 3(3,0) Parallel and Distributed Database Systems: PR: COP 4710. Storage manager, implementation techniques for parallel DBMSs, distributed DBMS architectures, distributed database design, query processing, multidatabase systems. COP 6614 ECS-EECS 3(3,0) Operating Systems Techniques: PR: COP 5611. Techniques in the design and implementation of operating systems. Case studies of several experimental and commercial operating systems. COP 6615 ECS-EECS 3(3,0) Operating Systems Theory: PR: COP 5611. Scheduling and queuing theory, simulation, and performance evaluation of computer systems. COP 6621 ECS-EECS 3(3,0) Compiler Construction: PR: COP 5021, COT 5310. Techniques in the design and implementation of compilers. Optimization, code generation, error recovery, attributed grammars. A project is required. COP 6730 ECS-EECS 3(3,0) Transaction Processing: PR: COP 4710. Transaction models, transaction monitors, isolation concepts and lock manager implementation, log manager, transaction manager, file and buffer management, client-server computing. COP 6731 ECS-EECS 3(3,0) Advanced Database Systems: PR: COP 5711. Selected topics concerning object-oriented databases, multimedia databases, active databases, temporal databases, spatial databases, and information systems. COT 5310 ECS-EECS 3(3,0) Formal Languages and Automata Theory: PR: COP 4020 and COT 4210. Classes of formal grammars and their relation to automata, normal forms, closure properties, decision problems. LR(K) grammars. COT 5405 ECS-EECS 3(3,0) Design and Analysis of Algorithms: PR: COT 4210 and COT 4110. Classification of algorithms, e.g., recursive, divide-and-conquer, greedy, etc. Data structures and algorithm design and performance. Time and space complexity analysis. COT 5507 ECS-EECS 3(3,0) Computational Methods/Applications: PR: COT 4500. Computational solution techniques for algebraic equations, ODE and PDE Models of applications selected from science, engineering, applied mathematics, and computer science. COT 5510 ECS-EECS 3(3,0) Computational Methods/Linear Systems: PR: COT 4500 and MAS 3113. Mathematical models for linear systems, linear programming, the simplex method, integer and mixed-integer programming, introduction to nonlinear optimization and linearization. COT 5520 ECS-EECS 3(3,0) Computational Geometry: CR: COT 5405. Geometric searching, point location, convex hulls, proximity problems, Vononoi diagrams, spanning trees, triangulation, intersection arrangement applications. COT 6300 ECS-EECS 3(3,0) The Theory of Parsing and Translation: PR: COT 5310. Methods of top-down and bottom-up parsing, LL(k), recursive descent, precedence, bounded-context, SR(s,k), SLR(k), LALR(k), LR(k), parser compression and generation. COT 6410 ECS-EECS 3(3,0) Computational Complexity: PR: COT 5405. Properties of algorithms, computational equivalence of machines, time-space complexity measures, examples of algorithms of different complexity, classification of algorithms, classes P and NP. COT 6415 ECS-EECS 3(3,0) Complexity of Parallel Computation: PR: CDA 5110, COT 6410. Theoretical models - justification and buildability inherent parallelism and communication costs. Lower and upper complexity bounds. Parallel computation thesis. NC, SC classes; paradigms of parallel algorithms. COT 6505 ECS-EECS 3(3,0) Computational Methods/Analysis I: PR: COT 5515. Analysis of direct and iterative solutions of systems of linear equations, eigenvalues and vectors and roots of nonlinear equations, error analysis.
Last updated on 5/19/00