I make the following information (mostly web pages) available.
About Me
- My homepage, which includes a short biography (and picture), research overview, and selected representative publications.
- A directory of pictures of me.
- My vita in PDF format.
- Faculty Cluster on Cyber Security and Privacy.
Pages about my research
- My research page, with a detailed publication list, etc. Note that some publications are only available from one of the following:
- BibTeX entries for all my papers in one file.
- Students I have supervised, current students, and their research.
- Foundations of Component-Based Systems book, published by Cambridge University Press.
- The JML project (a behavioral interface specification language for Java).
Pages relating to my research on
behavioral interface specification languages.
- The Larch/C++ project.
- The Larch/Smalltalk project.
- Larch Frequently Asked Questions (which is also available in Plain text and postscript formats).
- Handbooks of LSL traits.
- More Modular Reasoning for Aspect-Oriented Programs.
- The MultiJava project (an extension to Java that supports modular open classes and multiple dispatch).
- Typedscm, a dialect of Scheme for use with EOPL (2e).
- A talk for ISU graduate students describing my research and what I expect for Master's and Ph.D. work.
- A talk given at the ECOOP 2006 doctoral symposium, "Lessons from my Career"
Pages about my teaching
- Course information for courses I have taught and am teaching.
- Fabric painted T-Shirts I've made for various courses.
Helpful Resources
- The Teaching About Programming Languages Project.
- A talk about research and writing in Computer Science given to the graduate orientation seminar.
- Personal literature recommendations for graduate students (dated).
- Readings for self-study of various programming languages (dated).
- Bibliography files containing BibTeX citations.
- Favorite places and links of mine on the WWW.
- A directory of my emacs files.
My Windows PC configuration and initialization
You may need to change these file for your own configuration.
(such as mount points).
I make no guarantee or warranty for these files (caveat downloader).
- A directory of my Windows files for running Cygwin (bash, etc.) and GNU Emacs, including my: .bashrc (bash initialization, I don't use a .bash_profile file), .aliases-bash (bash aliases), and .emacs_bash (bash initialization for emacs subshells) and .Xdefaults files.
- My PC's Eclipse update site bookmarks.
- Files for emacs are found in my emacs files directory, except that on the PC I use a slightly different .emacs.el file and pc.local-customization.el as my local-customization.el file.
- My PC's bin directory containing shell scripts and executables.
- My PC's bat directory containing DOS batch files.
- Files for MiKTeX (LaTeX, etc.): the local customization file, dvips configuration file. and pdftex configuration file.
- Sources for my program emacs_std_outline used for lecture note formatting. You will also need the sources for c/print_errors.c and print_errors.h to compile these.
- A directory of my LaTeX macro files and bibtex databases.
- I used to use the Spambayes Bayesian email filter to filter out junk email.
- A Framemaker 5 for Windows customui.cfg file that makes Framemaker edit a bit more like emacs.
Personal Information
- My .plan file (which includes my schedule).
- A list of my professional activities and societies (PDF).
- My Erdös number is 4.
- My h-number is 52 (per my google scholar profile, as of September 2024).
- My academic genealogy.
- My Excel diet spreadsheet for counting calories. (This is good evidence that I'm nerdier than 90% of all people.)
- Read my anti-spam page before sending me any junk email.
Just for Fun
- Some holiday song lyrics that I have composed, including the song AspectJ, You Are the One.
- Page 1 of the Truck Driver's Manual.
- My thoughts on religion.
Contact Information
Gary T. LeavensUniversity of Central Florida
College of Engineering and Computer Science
Dept. of Computer Science, 329 Harris Center (Building 116)
4000 Central Florida Blvd.,
Orlando, Florida 32816-2362 USA
e-mail: Leavens@ucf.edu
Phone: +1-407-823-4758 / fax: +1-407-823-1488
Last update $Date: 2025/01/04 11:02:26 $