COP 3402 meeting -*- Outline -*- * Supporting Subroutines Q: What is a subroutine? It's a rule, abstract algorithm It's code that can be parameterized and used over and over - so it can be used to avoid repeating code In C it's a function, in Java/C# a method, ... It's an abstraction of an expression (computes a value) or a command (changes the program's state) in a way that depends on its parameters It's a key modularity feature in programming - clients can call it, - implementation may change code as long as it does what it should ** feature design to support subroutines The goal is to explain the features of an ISA that are needed to: 1. make writing subroutines easier, and 2. have them execute faster ------------------------------------------ GOALS FOR SUBROUTINES subroutine = function or procedure (abstraction of expressions or commands) Want: ------------------------------------------ ... - independent development - information hiding (decisions are local and independent) - maximal reuse (caller need not know details of decisions) - efficient execution ------------------------------------------ WHAT A SUBROUTINE CALL DOES What are the steps in a subroutine call like: x = f(E1,E2) where E1 and E2 are expressions? ------------------------------------------ This is with "call by value", which is used in C and in all OO languages and thus most modern programming languages. ... - caller evaluates argument expressions E1,E2 to get argument values - pass the argument values to the subroutine - callee does computation - pass the result, if any, back - caller continues right after the call Q: What happens in the machine to pass arguments? they (their values in call by value) are stored somewhere where the callee can find them *** SSM, a simplified stack machine ------------------------------------------ SSM = SIMPLIFIED STACK MACHINE RISC = Reduced Instruction Set Computer (vs. CISC = Complex Instruction Set ...) SSM, for HW, based on MIPS processor and Montagne's VM Word-addressible: LWR t,s,o is GPR[t] <- memory[GPR[s]+o] Dedicated registers: Num Role Name ============================= 0 globals pointer $gp 1 stack pointer $sp 2 frame pointer $fp 7 return address $ra Stack grows downwards, towards lower addresses Location-based instructions: ADD t,ot,s,os means memory[GPR[t]+ot] <- memory[GPR[SP]] + memory[GPR[s] + GPR[os]] ADDI r,o,i means memory[GPR[r]+o] <- memory[GPR[r] + o] + i ------------------------------------------ Q: Is the x86 a RISC or CISC design? definitely CISC Q: What would you do to add the top of the stack to itself and put the result in a new word on top of the stack? ADD $sp, -1, $sp, 0 which does memory[GPR[$sp]+-1] <- memory[GPR[$sp]] + memory[GPR[$sp]+0] It's RISC-like in that the instructions need to explicitly manipulate the stack SRI $sp, 1 means GPR[$sp] <- GPR[$sp]-1 In the SSM, the compiler needs to put instructions together to do more complex things... ADD $sp, -1, $sp, 0 SRI $sp, 1 The top of the stack is a location ($sp, 0) so is all the rest of the memory, But the top of stack is implicitly used in artihmetic Show the appendix A in the SSM Manual ------------------------------------------ SPECIAL REGISTERS Special registers: PC program counter HI high bits of multiplication LO low bits of multiplication PC is changed by: - jump instructions - branch instructions - CALL, CSI, and RTN instructions ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ MACHINE CYCLE 1. Fetch instruction at PC 2. Increment PC (PC <- PC + 1) 3. Execute that instruction ------------------------------------------ Note that the PC is incremented *before* execution of each instruction! ------------------------------------------ SUBROUTINE CALLS Call done by "CALL" or CSI instruction CALL addr means GPR[$ra] <- PC PC <- addr RTN means PC <- GPR[$ra] ------------------------------------------ Notes: - only the PC is saved in the RA register, nothing else is saved, not even the RA register! - on return, no registers are restored, only the PC is set from the RA register. Q: Who should save the registers and restore them? Need to decide on this "calling convention" ------------------------------------------ CALLING CONVENTION Agreement between all callers and callees Callee never changes the GP register Caller saves all other registers needed after the call Caller restores those registers, if any, upon return ------------------------------------------ Q: What complications arise for calls? - any registers, except for GP, might need to be saved & restored - in a recursion, registers are shared among routine activations - each subroutine activation needs its own stack frame, which has storage for locals so will change $sp and $fp Registers $ra, $sp, $fp and $s0-$s7 are preserved (saved by callee if need be, and restored when routine returns) The rest are not preserved by callee, so if the caller cares, then caller must save them and restore them after return ------------------------------------------ IT'S A CONVENTION / AGREEMENT Saving and restoring not enforced ------------------------------------------ ... by hardware - but it's useful to have everyone know what to do Why? Allows modularity/plug compatability ------------------------------------------ VM FEATURES TO SUPPORT SUBROUTINES ------------------------------------------ ... (starting with fundamental decisions in the ISA) - call and return instructions - must save the return address (PC) somewhere (in SSM it's saved in reg. 7 = RA) - arguments, and - result(s) - support for recursive subroutines ==> different calls (activations) need different space ==> may coexist at runtime - help to manage local storage for subroutines - formal parameter(s) - local variables (helps subroutine independence and reuse) - support for static scoping want to understand subroutine where it is written (names refer to surrounding declarations in text not to dynamically recent declarations) - way to return long-lived data - heap/global storage + more modern features (optional): + exception handling (instructions for throwing exceptions, which will unwind stack looking for handler) + passing and returning subroutines as values (heap allocation of ARs, closures) (doesn't need new capabilities from VM?) + objects and inheritance (heap allocation, virtual function tables/call instructions as in JVM) + support for multi-threading (multiple runtime stacks and thread switching, coroutines? locking/atomicity?) ** design for statically-scoped subroutines *** what is static scoping? ------------------------------------------ STATIC SCOPING def: In *static scoping*, each identifier x def: In *dynamic scoping*, each identifier x ------------------------------------------ ... denotes the location for x declared by the closest textually surrounding declaration of x This is also known as *lexical scoping* Q: Is there another way that identifiers could be found in a program? Yes, it's called dynamic scoping, where each identifier x, ... denotes the location for x declared by the most recent declaration for x that is still active. Q: What kind of scoping is in C, C++, and Java? The Unix shell? C, C++, Java all have static scoping for variables and function names The Unix shell uses dynamic scoping for environment variables! Java uses dynamic scoping for exception handlers *** motivation for static scoping ------------------------------------------ MOTIVATION FOR STATIC SCOPING int incr = 1; int addOne(int y) { return y+incr; } # what does addOne do? int client() { int incr = 2; int z = addOne(3); // what is the value of z here? return z; } ------------------------------------------ Q: What should addOne do? What should the value of z be? does it mean what it meant when it was written or when it was called? Q: Do we want to be able to check programs when we write them? Yes, usually This is even more important in modern (functional) languages where we want to return functions/closures *** block structure ------------------------------------------ BLOCK STRUCTURE def: A *block* is Usual Grammar: Example in C { int next = 3*x+1; next = next / 2; return next; } ------------------------------------------ ... a sequence of local declarations and statements ::= ... | ::= { } ::= | ::= int | ... ::= ------------------------------------------ ADVANTAGES OF BLOCK STRUCTURE - Local storage - Control of names - Easier to extract procedures ------------------------------------------ ... can declare temporary variables whose space is reclaimed when the block is finished e.g., { int huge_array[HUGE]; /* ... */ } ... can pick the best names for variables without worry that they conflict with other code (look locally first), helps independent development within blocks (and thus functions) ... a block can be more easily seen as a procedure, with the body being the block (and the free variables as parameters) It may help code be easier to read than a language without block structure, since the declarations are closer to their use *** motivation for recursion Q: Do you think recursion is hard to use and understand? (get a show of hands) I find it is very useful, especially for compilers, but it's also useful for other kinds of programs... The files below are in ------------------------------------------ RECURSIVE DATA ==> RECURSIVE PROGRAMS A good rule of design: // file btree.h #include "Tdef.h" typedef struct treeNode { T value; struct treeNode *left, *right; } tree; // helper to compute maximum of its args int max(int a, int b) { return (a >= b) ? a : b; } ------------------------------------------ ... organize the program's structure like the data's structure i.e., program ~ data (in terms of structure) Q: How should we write a program to find the depth of a tree? ... // Requires: t != NULL // Return the depth of t int depth (tree *t) { if (t == NULL) { return 0; } else { return 1 + max( depth(t->left), depth(t->right)); } } Q: Is that better than using while loops and an explicit stack? Yes, it's way clearer See the example code page for a non-recursive version... ------------------------------------------ RECURSIVE GRAMMARS Grammar for statements: ::= ... | while () Structure of a parser: // typedef /* ... */ stmtTree; stmtTree *parseStatement() { /* ... */ parseWhileLoop(); /* ... */ } stmtTree *parseWhileLoop() { /* ... */ parseStatement(); /* ... */ } ------------------------------------------ Q: Is it easy to follow what these routines are doing? Yes, it's much harder to implement these without recursion Q: Why are natural languages structured recursively? Seems to be more powerful, it's how our brains work... Other examples: - list manipulation (recursively structured data) - expression evaluation (their grammar is also recursive) - searching directories (which many contain directories) - interpreting or displaying web pages (recursive data) *** design for subroutines ------------------------------------------ VM DESIGN FOR SUBROUTINES For each call: - storage for a subroutine's variables (local storage) organized as - storage for a single call is called an AR: def: An *activation record* (AR) ------------------------------------------ ... a stack (called the runtime stack) Q: Why use a stack? Because if client calls subroutine P, then P must return before client can call another subroutine thus last-called is first to finish (LIFO) ... *activation record* (AR) is a portion of the runtime stack that holds local storage for one call of a subroutine ------------------------------------------ STACK ORGANIZATION In the code: P calls Q, Q calls R Initially: [ 0 ] Call of subroutine P: [ AR for P ] After P calls Q: [ AR for P ] [ AR for Q ] After Q calls R: [ AR for P ] [ AR for Q ] [ AR for R ] After R returns: [ AR for P ] [ AR for Q ] After Q returns: [ AR for P ] After P returns: ------------------------------------------ Point out pushes and pops *** stack implementation Q: Since a computer's memory is like a big (1D) array, how should we implement the runtime stack? tracking indexes of each AR in the array ------------------------------------------ STACK IMPLEMENTATION AR delimited by two indexes: - fp: - sp: Notes, assuming stack is word-addressed, and grows towards lower addresses (downwards) ------------------------------------------ frame pointer, byte address of the first element in AR stack pointer, byte address of the top (last allocated) element in AR Notes: We are assuming that the stack grows downwards, towards lower addresses and that the stack is word addressed There are other choices that could be made, but on Unix stacks grow downward and on many machines (x86, MIPS) memory is byte-addressed On some machines, ARs must be aligned, e.g., on MIPS ARs must start on a double-word boundary ... $sp <= $fp ... AR is stored in memory from $sp to $fp (inclusive) Q: Does the storage for a subroutine vary dynamically? Yes, supports block structure in programming languages ------------------------------------------ STACK IMPLEMENTATION IN SSM ASSEMBLER # The stack is word addressed # The stack grows down, # towards lower addresses # The virtual machine puts address, STKB, # in $sp and $fp. # Assume that STKB is greater than # value of $gp. INVARIANT CHECK stack_okay: SWR $sp, 0, $gp # 0 <= $gp BLTZ $sp, 0, fail SRI $sp, 1 SWR $sp, 0, $sp # $gp < $sp SUB $sp, -1, $sp, 1 BLTZ $sp, -1, fail SRI $sp, 2 SWR $sp, 0, $fp # $sp <= $fp SUB $sp, -1, $sp BLTZ $sp, -1, fail RTN # invariant passed fail: PSTR invError # failure! EXIT 1 ------------------------------------------ ... (picture of the stack, growing down) [GP] [SP] [SP - GP] [FP] [FP - SP] ------------------------------------------ MORE STACK FUNCTIONS IN ASSEMBLER # assume initial stack size is kept in # location GP (i.e., memory[$gp]) stack_initialize: SWR $gp, 0, $fp RTN # allocate a word on the stack stack_allocate: SRI $sp, 1 RTN stack_deallocate: ARI $sp, 1 RTN # return the size of stack stack_size: SRI $sp, 3 CPW $sp, 0, $gp, 0 SWR $sp, 1, $sp SUB $sp, 2, $sp, 1 ADDI $sp, 2, 3 ARI $sp, 2 RTN # return the size of current AR stack_AR_size: SRI $sp, 3 SWR $sp, 0, $fp SWR $sp, 1, $sp SUB $sp, 2, $sp, 1 ADDI $sp, 2, 3 ARI $sp, 2 RTN ------------------------------------------ Note that a function's result is placed on top of the stack (in a newly allocated word) (Explain what each instruction does) consider rest of stack_demo.asm file ** Implementation in C ------------------------------------------ STACK IMPLEMENTATION: HEADER FILES Assume: - stack is word addressed - stack grows down towards lower addresses // File: machine_types.h #ifndef _MACHINE_TYPES_H #define _MACHINE_TYPES_H // type of addresses typedef unsigned int address_type; // type of machine words typedef int word_type; #define BYTES_PER_WORD 4 #endif // File: stack.h #ifndef _STACK_H #define _STACK_H #include #include #include "machine_types.h" #define MAX_STACK_HEIGHT 2048 // Initialize the stack data structure extern void stack_initialize(); /* ... other extern declarations ... */ #endif ------------------------------------------ Note that words are ints in C (we assume 32 bit integers) ------------------------------------------ STACK IMPLEMENTATION: STACK.C FILE /* $Id: stack.c,v 1.3 2023/09/08 ... */ #include #include #include #include "utilities.h" #include "stack.h" // the stack's storage static word_type memory[MAX_STACK_HEIGHT]; // first index of current AR, in word static int fp; // index of top element in current AR static int sp; // the stack's invariant void stack_okay() { } // Initialize the stack data structure void stack_initialize() { } // Return the stack's total size, in words int stack_size() { } // Return the current AR's num. of words int stack_AR_size() { return fp - sp; } // Return the address of the base // of the current AR (fp value) address_type stack_AR_base() { } // Return the address of the top word // element in the current AR (sp value), // as a word address address_type stack_top_AR_addr() { } // Is the stack empty? bool stack_empty() { } // Is the stack full? bool stack_full() { } // Requires: !stack_full() // push a word on the stack // with sp becoming old(sp) - 1 void stack_push_word(word_type val) { } // Requires: (stack_size() + n) // < MAX_STACK_HEIGHT // Increase the size of the stack by n void stack_allocate_words(unsigned int n) { } // Requires: !stack_empty() // pop the stack and return the top word. // The size of the stack is reduced by 1. word_type stack_pop_word() { } // Requires: (stack_size() - n) >= 0 // Decrease the size of the stack by n void stack_deallocate_words(unsigned int n) { } // Requires: !stack_empty() // pop the stack and return the top word. // The size of the stack is reduced by 1. word_type stack_pop_word() { } // Requires: !stack_empty() // return the top word without popping word_type stack_top_word() { } ------------------------------------------ ... assert(0 <= sp); assert(sp <= fp); assert(fp <= MAX_BYTE_INDEX); assert(fp % BYTES_PER_WORD == 0); assert(sp % BYTES_PER_WORD == 0); ... fp = MAX_BYTE_INDEX; sp = fp; stack_okay(); int wdi; // word index for the loop for (wdi = fp/BYTES_PER_WORD; 0 <= wdi; wdi--) { memory[wdi] = (word_type) 0; } ... return MAX_BYTE_INDEX - sp; ... return fp - sp; ... return fp; ... return stack_size() <= 0; ... return stack_size() >= MAX_BYTE_INDEX; ... stack_okay(); assert(n % BYTES_PER_WORD == 0); if ((stack_size() + n) >= MAX_STACK_HEIGHT) { bail_with_error("Can't allocate %u bytes", n); } sp = sp - n; stack_okay(); ... stack_okay(); stack_allocate_bytes(BYTES_PER_WORD); memory[sp/BYTES_PER_WORD] = val; stack_okay(); ... stack_okay(); assert(n % BYTES_PER_WORD == 0); if (sp + n >= MAX_STACK_HEIGHT) { bail_with_error("Can't deallocate %u bytes", n); } sp = sp + n; stack_okay(); ... stack_okay(); assert(n % BYTES_PER_WORD == 0); if (!(sp + n <= fp)) { bail_with_error("Can't deallocate %u bytes", n); } sp = sp + n; stack_okay(); ... stack_okay(); word_type ret; if (stack_empty()) { bail_with_error("Can't pop word off empty stack!"); } else { ret = memory[sp/BYTES_PER_WORD]; } stack_deallocate_bytes(BYTES_PER_WORD); stack_okay(); return ret; ... stack_okay(); word_type ret; if (stack_empty()) { bail_with_error("Can't get top word of empty stack!"); } else { ret = memory[sp/BYTES_PER_WORD]; } // stack_okay(); // no need to check, as nothing changed return ret; ... *word_addr = addr / BYTES_PER_WORD; *byte_offset = addr % BYTES_PER_WORD; assert(addr == (*word_addr) * BYTES_PER_WORD + (*byte_offset)); ... // clear the bits to be set, preserve the others unsigned int ret = (unsigned int) x & (~0xFFU << j*8); ret |= ((bv & 0xFFU) << j*8); return ret; ... stack_okay(); assert(0 <= word_addr && word_addr < STACK_LEN); assert(0 <= byte_offset && byte_offset < BYTES_PER_WORD); memory[word_addr] = setByteInWord(memory[word_addr], byte_offset, bv); ... int wa; int bo; stack_byte2word_address(addr, &wa, &bo); stack_set_byte_at_word_offset(wa, bo, bv); ... stack_okay(); assert(0 <= word_addr && word_addr < STACK_LEN); assert(0 <= byte_offset && byte_offset < BYTES_PER_WORD); return fetchByteFromWord(memory[word_addr], byte_offset); ... int wa; int bo; stack_byte2word_address(addr, &wa, &bo); return stack_get_byte_at_word_offset(wa, bo); ** Addressing for nested routines *** Problem of addressing locals ------------------------------------------ HOW TO ADDRESS LOCAL VARIABLES? procedure p0(); var int x; procedure p1(); var int y; var int z; procedure p2(); var int a; begin a := a+x*y+z; end; begin # body of p1 # ... call p2; # ... call p0 # ... end; begin # body of p0 # ... call p1; # ... call p0 # ... end. ------------------------------------------ Q: How many calls to p0 and p1 will be on the stack when the return from p2 is evaluated? We can't tell... Q: At the return, how can the compiler find the locations of x and y? This is the problem... For a less artificial example, see quicksort in Pascal: ------------------------------------------ THE PROBLEM Programming language features - subroutines - nesting of subroutines (Pascal, JS) - static scoping ==> absolute address of variables is hard to predict ------------------------------------------ Q: Can we tell from the text of a program where a routine's ARs will be on the runtime stack? No, if new routines are added, then any calculations will be off... Q: If we don't know where the AR will be on the runtime stack how can local variables in an AR be addressed? Dynamic prediction of where the AR will be is hard and would not be modular, so we don't address local variables using absolute addresses. However, we can know where a variable will be within an AR (its offset) as that is determined by the text of the program (statically) So, we can use an offset from the latest AR of the surrounding scope, if we can find that. *** Compiler response to solve the problem ------------------------------------------ COMPILER-BASED SOLUTION What can compiler know statically about local variable locations? What would we need to find exact location of a local variable? When can an AR be created that needs to know the base of the surrounding AR? Could we pass the base of the AR for the surrounding scope in a call? If each AR stores a (static) link to the AR of the surrounding scope, how can we address two layers out? 3? What information is needed to address a local variable in a surrounding scope? ------------------------------------------ ... offset from base of AR, since can count allocations from start of routine ... the base for the offset ... when the surrounding scope calls down to a routine nested within that scope e.g., fun p1() { var int y; var int z; proc p2() { /* ... */ } p1(); } Q: Are all calls like that? Depends on the language: can call another routine in same or surrounding scope ... Yes, this is the *static link* needed to address locals in a surrounding scope So the solution is to pass the address of the base of the AR of the surrounding scope when calling a routine, so it can address those variables This is the "static link" ... follow the static link to the surrounding scope's AR, then follow that scope's link to its surrounding scope's AR... ... the number of levels, and the offset **** Summary: two-part addresses ------------------------------------------ SUMMARY Compilers use two-part addresses, called *lexical addresses* that consist of: ------------------------------------------ 1. Number of levels of surrounding scopes to go outwards (i.e., number or static links to follow) 2. Offset from that scope's base ------------------------------------------ HOW TO ADDRESS LOCAL VARIABLES? procedure p0; var x; procedure f1; var y; var z; procedure p2; var a; procedure f3; begin # body of f3 # here --v call f1; call f3; x := a+(x*y)+z end; call f3; # body of p2 call p2; # body of p1 call f1; # body of f1 call p0. #body of p0 ------------------------------------------ Q: Following the comment, what is the lexical address of x? (3, 0) Q: What is the lexical address of z? (2, 1) Q: What is the lexical address of a? (1, 0) *** What is stored in an AR ------------------------------------------ INFORMATION STORED IN ARs What information is needed in an AR? ------------------------------------------ ... locations for: - any registers need to save - old PC value (return address, in $ra) - old sp value ($sp) - old fp value (dynamic link, $fp) - base of AR of surrounding scope (static link) *** VM stack operations for call/return ------------------------------------------ WORKING WITH ARs // Requires: the stack has enough room // to allocate a new AR void stack_call_prep( address_type static_link) { } // Requires: restored fp and sp values // satisfy stack's invariant // return given value from a subroutine extern void stack_restore_for_return() { } ------------------------------------------ ... // stack_call // assume parameters are in registers and on stack int old_fp = fp; int old_sp = sp; int a0=4,a1=5,a2=6,a3=7; int s0=16,s1=17,s2=18,s3=16,s4=17; int s5=18,s6=19,s7=20,ra=31; stack_push(GPR[a0]); // save arguments stack_push(GPR[a1]); // save arguments stack_push(GPR[a2]); // save arguments stack_push(GPR[a3]); // save arguments stack_push(GPR[s0]); // save s regs stack_push(GPR[s1]); // save s regs stack_push(GPR[s2]); // save s regs stack_push(GPR[s3]); // save s regs stack_push(GPR[s4]); // save s regs stack_push(GPR[s5]); // save s regs stack_push(GPR[s6]); // save s regs stack_push(GPR[s7]); // save s regs stack_push(static_link); stack_push(old_fp); // dynamic link stack_push(ra); // return address // base of this new AR fp = old_sp + BYTES_PER_WORD; // sp already adjusted by the pushes // == old_sp + 15 * BYTES_PER_WORD Q: What is sp now? It is old_sp+ 15 * BYTES_PER_WORD Q: Does the callee really need to save all of this? No, only if it uses a register should it save it and restore it. For example, if callee doesn't make calls, no need to save a0-a3 or ra ... // stack return // assume result is in register v0 int s0=16,s1=17,s2=18,s3=16,s4=17; int s5=18,s6=19,s7=20,ra=31; // restore return address GPR[ra] = stack_pop(); // restore the fp fp = stack_pop(); stack_pop(); // toss static link // restore the s registers GPR[s7] = stack_pop(); GPR[s6] = stack_pop(); GPR[s5] = stack_pop(); GPR[s4] = stack_pop(); GPR[s3] = stack_pop(); GPR[s2] = stack_pop(); GPR[s1] = stack_pop(); GPR[s0] = stack_pop(); do_jr(ra); // sets PC to contents of ra register **** pictures For a picture, recall that the stack grows down (towards lower addresses) and is byte addressed ------------------------------------------ PICTURE OF CALL OPERATION Execution of stack_call(SL): PC: 16 fP: 464 sp: 448 468 | | 464 | | <- fp 460 | | 456 | | 452 | | 448 | arg5 | <- sp 444 | | 440 | | 436 | | 432 | | 428 | | 424 | | 420 | | 416 | | 412 | | 408 | | 404 | | 400 | | 396 | | 392 | | 388 | | ------------------------------------------ For the return, we want to go back to the picture before the call... ------------------------------------------ PICTURE OF RETURN OPERATION PC: 200 fp: 444 sp: 384 468 | | 464 | | 460 | | 456 | | 452 | | 448 | arg5 | 444 | saved a0 | <- fp 440 | saved a1 | 436 | saved a2 | 432 | saved a3 | 428 | saved s0 | 424 | saved s1 | 420 | saved s2 | 416 | saved s3 | 412 | saved s4 | 408 | saved s5 | 404 | saved s6 | 400 | saved s7 | 396 | saved s7 | 392 | old static link | 388 | old fp | 384 | old ra | <- sp 380 | | | | ------------------------------------------ **** determining the static link to pass ------------------------------------------ WHAT STATIC LINK TO PASS? If routine R calls E, what static link is passed? ------------------------------------------ ... if E has lexical address of form (L,-) then: it is: - The current AR's base address, if L == 0 (this is a call down to a nested procedure) - The base address of the AR L levels out, if L > 0 (this is a call to a surrounding procedure)