Topics for the Final Exam in COP 3402 $Date: 2023/04/12 23:19:54 $ This examination covers topics related to homework assignments 3-4. REMINDERS This test will be for the period scheduled for the final exam (10 AM to 12:50 PM in the usual classroom: PSY 108) and will be closed book. However, you may use one (1) page of notes on one (1) side of a standard 8.5 by 11 inch sheet of paper. These notes can either be hand-written or printed, but if printed, then the font must be a 9-point or larger font. These notes must be turned in with the exam. READINGS See the required textbook (Systems Software by Montagne) chapters 3 and 5-10. See also the course lecture notes, which are available from the course resources webpage (see CONCEPTS/TOPICS Topics marked + below are more important than topics marked - below, which are less important (but were mentioned in the class). Topics marked ++ are very important. Topics marked -- are very unimportant. In general, conceptual questions, and questions that connect topics, techniques, examples, and ideas will be more important than details; the exam may be somewhat of a different flavor than the homework sets. I. Basic Terminology It's important to know and understand these terms, so that you understand the questions and can write sensible answers. A. Compilers 1. semantic analysis and symbol tables ++ What is a scope? What is a scope in PL/0? In the FLOAT language? In C? + What is a symbol table? What operations would it support? ++ How is a symbol table used to check declarations and uses of identifiers? 2. Code generation a. general concepts - What is an IR? What is it used for in a compiler? - What are the advantages of using an IR in code generation? + What information from a name's use is needed to generate code? - How practical would it be for a parser to determine the lexical address of a name that is used in a program with nested procedures? + Which part of the lexical address of a constant or variable can be easily determined by the parser? + What is the general way that the code for a code generator is written? + What does it mean for code to "follow the grammar"? + How are ARs used on the runtime stack? b. expressions + Why are identifier uses important for code generation? + How is the lexical address of a variable (or constant) used to generate code? + What does the generated code for obtaining the value of a variable (or constant) look like in the stack machine? + Where does compiled code put the value of an expression in the stack machine? c. declarations + How are constant declarations translated into machine code in the stack machine? + How are variable declarations translated into machine code? + Where are globally visible constants and variables allocated? d. statements + How are assignment statements compiled? What code do they generate? + How are if-then-else statements compiled? What code do they generate? - How could the addresses used in compiling if-statements be computed? + Would labels (as in HW4) be useful if the machine's jump instructions all required absolute addresses? How would that idea work? + How are while-loops compiled? What code do they generate? e. procedures + How are procedure declarations compiled? + How is the starting address of a procedure obtained by a call instruction? + Why does the runtime stack need to be trimmed before executing a return instruction? How is that done in the stack VM? + With static scoping, what does the BP register point to in an AR for a nested scope? B. Assembly Language + What is an assembly language? + What are the goals of assembly language? ++ How does assembly language differ from a (high-level) programming language? ++ How does an assembler differ from a compiler? + How does an assembler translate forward jumps (to a label)? C. ELF + What is ELF? + What are the sections of an ELF file? What information is in each section? + How does relocation of executable files work? + Are executable files the same in every operating system? + Are executable files the same for every machine (ISA)? D. linkers and loaders 1. linkers ++ What is a linker? What does a linker do? + Why is a linker useful for programming? + How does a linker support separate compilation? + How does a linker support program libraries? ++ What is the difference between static linking and dynamic linking? + Which kind of linking is used to link together the compiled files of a user's program? + Which kind of linking is performed to link a user's program to a shared library? 2. loaders ++ What is a loader? What does a loader do? + What are the types of loaders? When is each type used? - If we are using a computer with virtual memory, do we still need a relocating loader? E. Operating System (OS) + What are the goals of an operating system? + What are the main techniques that are used to implement an OS? - What are some ways to organize the code in an OS? - What are the advantages and disadvantages of different ways of organizing an OS? + What would happen if an OS was just a bunch of libraries? 1. processes ++ What is a process? + Why does an OS have processes? + What are the advantages of the process concept for programming? + How does a process differ from a program? + How does a program become a process? + What states can a process be in? How does it change from one to another? - What is a PCB? What information does it typically store? - Where do a process's permissions come from? - What is a PAS? + What information needs to be saved when suspending a process? 2. interrupts + How does an OS enable sharing of resources? + What is needed for an OS to enforce sharing policies? + What is an interrupt? + Why are interrupts needed? + Why is an interrupt handling mechanism a useful idea in an OS? - When does a CPU notice interrupts? + What are the different kinds of interrupts? + What is a trap interrupt? + What does an interrupt handler do? + Why does an interrupt handler need to save the state of the running process? + What is an I/O interrupt? How does it differ from a trap interrupt? - What hardware is needed to handle interrupts? + What is a timer interrupt? Why is it needed? - How could an OS can handle multiple interrupts that occur at the same time? + What is a trap table (aka an interrupt vector)? + What software controls the contents of the interrupt vector? Is that crucial? 3. limited direct execution ++ What is limited direct execution? How does it work? + What is needed from the hardware (the ISA) to make limited direct execution work? + What are the differences between user mode and kernel mode? + Describe the kinds of instructions can only be executed successfully in kernel mode. + Why is it useful to have the ISA distinguish between user mode and kernel mode? + What mode (user or kernel) does the system's boot loader run in? + What mode does an OS run in? + What mode does an interrupt handler run in? 4. system calls + What is a system call? + How are system calls implemented in an OS? + If a user mode process cannot execute privileged instructions how can it do any I/O? + Is your program's process executed in kernel mode? + If your program is doing I/O, does that mean that the process you are running is executing privileged instructions? - What does a system call function need to do about security? + What is memory protection? Why is it needed? + What does a "segmentation fault" mean for a C program? - What is a PSW? Why is it useful in an OS? 5. threads + What is a thread? Why is it a useful concept for an OS? + Does each thread need its own stack? - What is the difference between apparent concurrency and true concurrency? + What is a race condition? Why are race conditions a problem? - Can a system with apparent concurrency have race conditions? + What is a critical section? Why is it important? + What is mutual exclusion? How is it used in concurrent programming? + What is serial execution? Why is it useful? + What is atomic execution? Why is that a useful concept? + What are some mechanisms for safely synchronizing programs? II. Skills When a question refers to a programming language, the language will either be described in the question (especially for questions related to grammars and parsing) or it will be C or the PL/0 language. A. Compilers + Be able to write code to traverse an AST and check declarations and identifier uses (given some helping functions) + Be able to write code to traverse an enhanced AST and generate stack machine code (given some helping functions)