COP 4020 Lecture -*- Outline -*- * Basics of Erlang ** overview ------------------------------------------ ERLANG OVERVIEW Erlang designed for: - reliable distributed systems (telephony) Language Design: - mix of functional and logic programming influences - actor model for concurrency and distribution ------------------------------------------ Q: Why this kind of design? - immutable data allows concurrency without locking - distribution allows for scalable systems, avoids single point failures ** data types *** primitive types ------------------------------------------ PRIMITIVE TYPES IN ERLANG any() number integer() 3, 7 float() 3.14159, 2.7e-3 atom() stop, go port() pid() reference() ------------------------------------------ **** atoms ------------------------------------------ ATOMS symbols with a fast equality test start with a lower case letter an_atom go yes or are enclosed in single quotes: 'Truth' 'Justice' 'american way' Note: Variables identifiers must start with an Upper Case letter or an underscore (_) ------------------------------------------ opposite, in a sense, to Haskell *** compound types ------------------------------------------ COMPOUND TYPES IN ERLANG any() binary() <<1:1,0:1>> fun() fun (X) -> X end, fun foo/1 tuple() {point,3,4} T1 | T2 "union types" Synonyms: char() is a small integer() [T] = [] | [T|[T]] string() = [char()] "can be written so" ------------------------------------------ binaries are bit strings funs are closures, with syntax fun () -> end see closuredemo.erl Also: in a module, functions have names that start with a lowercase letter; to use such a named function as an expression use syntax: fun foo/1 which distinguishes them from symbols. note strange (vs. Haskell) syntax on tuples unions just happen, no special constructors Note that closures close over values, can't have free variables that are undetermined (unbound). Patterns can be used in function headings, as in Haskell. ** means of combination *** pattern matching ------------------------------------------ PATTERN MATCHING The = operator, unifies both sides: {point,X,Y} = {point,3,4} makes X be 3 and Y be 4. Pattern matching in function clauses : xcoord({point,X,_}) -> X. ycoord({point,_,Y}) -> Y. P = {point,3,4} xcoord(P) returns 3 Case expressions: xcoord(P) -> case P of {point,X,_} -> X end. ------------------------------------------ semantics is similar to Haskell ------------------------------------------ DIFFERENCES FROM HASKELL PATTERN MATCHES Multiple uses of the same variable: case P of {point,X,X} -> same; _ -> different end can be thought of as sugar for: case P of {point,X,Z} when X =:= Z -> same; _ -> different end Variables that are already determined stand for their value: X = 2, case P of {point,X,_} -> "x coordinate was 2"; {point,Q,_} -> "x coordinate was " ++ integer_to_list(Q) end can be thought of as sugar for: X = 2, case P of {point,Z,_} when Z =:= X -> "x coordinate was 2"; {point,Q,_} -> "x coordinate was " ++ integer_to_list(Q) end ------------------------------------------ but same variable can appear twice (short for equality constraint) So defined variable is *not* redeclared in a case *** functions parameters are passed by value (eagerly evaluated). see passing.erl overloading based on number of arguments **** full recursion ------------------------------------------ FULLY RECURSIVE CODE mylength([]) -> 0; mylength([_|T]) -> 1+ mylength(T). ------------------------------------------ Note the semicolons and period **** tail recursion ------------------------------------------ TAIL RECURSION len(Ls) -> len(Ls,0). len([],N) -> N; len([_|T],N) -> len(T,N+1). ------------------------------------------ note that the helper has the same name but a different number of arguments *** programs modules are sets of function definitions controled exports lexical scope - uses closures - but is restricted to functions (no names other than functions defined outside of functions).