Lecture -*- Outline -*- > module BuiltInTypes where > import Prelude hiding (fst, snd, head, tail, filter, zip) * Built-in types of Haskell According to Abelson and Sussman: each language has: means of computation (data and operations) means of combination (structured data and composition techniques) means of abstraction In this topic, we focus on means of computation (data and operations) ** Fundamental classification of objects *** simple (atomic) types (Thompson 3.1-2, 3.5-6, Davie 2.7) Bool, Char, and Integer also types Int (machine ints), Float, Double, ... Tell them to read about the following, skip to next section ------------------------------------------ HASKELL BOOLEANS Bool Values: + abstract values: true and false + printed: True, False Operations: + constructors: True, False + functions: &&, ||, not, ==, /= + syntax: if _ then _ else _ HASKELL CHARACTERS Char Values: + abstract values: a, b, c, d, ... + printed: 'a', 'b', 'c', ... Operations: + constructors: 'a', 'b', ..., '\n', (toEnum 10), ... + functions: fromEnum, toEnum, ... ==, /=, <, <=, ... ------------------------------------------ && and || are short-circuit Bool is of the class Eq, hence it has == and /= (actually it's also a member of many other classes, e.g., Ord, so False < True) look in the Prelude file to see the definitions; search for "Boolean type" also the syntax if _ then _ else is special for Bool use C style escapes for chars Char is a member of the classes Eq, Ord, Enum, (and Bounded) ------------------------------------------ HASKELL INTEGERS Integer Values: + abstract values: 0, 1, -1, ... + printed: 0, 1, -1, ... Operations: + constructors: 0, 1, -1, 2, -2, 3, ... + functions: +, -, *, negate, abs, signum, quot, rem, div, mod, ==, /=, <, <=, ... ------------------------------------------ Integer is a member of the classes Eq, Ord, Num, Real, Integral, Enum and a bunch of others Float literals must have digits on both sides of the decimal point **** Type Classes in the Prelude Functions on types are named using an OO idea: common vocabulary arranged in "type classes" So, to find operation names, you have to understand built-in classes. ------------------------------------------ TYPE CLASSES IN THE PRELUDE Eq (==, /=) Ord (compare, <, <=, >=, >, min, max) Enum (succ, pred, toEnum, fromEnum, enumFrom, enumFromThen, ...) Bounded (minBound, maxBound) Read (readsPrec, readList) Show (showsPrec, show, showList) Num (+, -, *, negate, abs, signum, fromInteger) Real (toRational) Integral (quot, rem, div, mod, quotRem, divMod, toInteger) Fractional (/, recip, fromRational) Floating (pi, exp, log, sqrt, **, logBase, sin, cos, tan, asin, ...) RealFrac (properFraction, truncate, round, ceiling, floor) RealFloat (floatRadix, floatDigits, ...) ------------------------------------------ Can show these using :info in the interpreter ------------------------------------------ PRIMITIVE TYPES IN TYPE CLASSES Bool is in Eq, Ord, Enum, Read, Show, Bounded Char is in Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded Int is in Eq, Ord, Num, Real, Integral, Enum, Bounded Integer is in Eq, Ord, Num, Real, Integral, Enum Float is in Eq, Ord, Num, Real, Fractional, Floating, RealFrac, RealFloat, Enum Double is in Eq, Ord, Num, Real, Fractional, Floating, RealFrac, RealFloat, Enum ------------------------------------------ *** structured types (Thompson 5, Davie 2.8, 3.11, 2.10) These are some of the means of combination make a table as discuss the following: ------------------------------------------ STRUCTURED TYPES type | constructors (or syntax) ========================================== ------------------------------------------ ... type constructors example ____________________ (a,b) (,) (True,3) [a] [], : [1,2,3], 1:2:3:[] a -> b \ -> (\x -> x) **** pairs, tuples, and unit (Thompson 5.2, Davie 2.10) ------------------------------------------ TUPLES IN HASKELL (a,b), (a,b,c), ..., and () Values: + abstract values: pairs of a & b, triples of a & b & c, ... an empty tuple + printed: (1,True), (3, 4, 5), () Operations: + constructor (,), (,,), ... + fst, snd EXAMPLE FUNCTIONS OVER TUPLES > fst :: (a,b) -> a > fst (a,_) = a > snd :: (a,b) -> b > snd (_,b) = b ------------------------------------------ Note: no single element tuples! Q: Why are single-element tuples like (3+4) not in Haskell? because they would overlap (syntax & semantics) with normal parenthesized expressions there is a way to define record-like types in Haskell also... ------------------------------------------ CONSTRUCTING TUPLES Examples: (1,True) (1,2,3) (1,(2,3)) (1,(True,2.8)) ((1,True),2.8) () ("zero tuple:",()) ------------------------------------------ Try these in the interpreter, note the differences between (1,(2,3)) and (1,2,3) Note that (1) is NOT a tuple Q: What is the type of each? so ( , ) makes pairs, (,,) makes triples, etc. Why this notation? idea is that in a functional language want only 1 argument and result for functions f(x,y) is interpreted as f applied to the pair (x,y) **** functions (Thompson 10) ------------------------------------------ FUNCTIONS a -> b Values: + abstract values: partial functions from a to b Operations: + constructor: \ var -> expression + syntax: f x y = expression means roughly f = (\x -> (\y -> expession)) + functions: (.), flip, curry, uncurry Examples: id :: a -> a id = \x -> x (.) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> (a -> c) (f . g) x = f (g x) flip :: (a -> b -> c) -> b -> a -> c flip f x y = f y x ------------------------------------------ Note: id x = x is shorthand for the above definition \x -> x is just like Smalltalk's [:x | x] or a small class with one method in Java ** binding, pattern matching, simple functions (Thompson p. 74, chapter 7, Davie 2.9, 3.5) Generally, use pattern matching to extract parts of (algebraic) types ------------------------------------------ PATTERN MATCHING AND BINDING Examples: let (x,y,z) = (1,2,3) in x let (x,y,z) = (1,2,3) in z let (_,y,_) = (1,2,3) in y let (a:as) = 1:2:3:[] in a let (a:as) = [1,2,3] in as ------------------------------------------ try these in the interpreter Q: What's the general rule for this kind of pattern matching? ------------------------------------------ PATTERNS IN FUNCTION DEFINITION Suppose we define > yodaize (subject, verb, adjective) = > (adjective, subject, verb) Examples yodaize ("food", "is", "good") yodaize ("study", "you", "will") Another example: Problem: write a function max3 :: Ord a => (a, a, a) -> a to take the maximum of 3 arguments ------------------------------------------ ... ("good","food","is") :: ([Char],[Char],[Char]) ... ("will","study","you") :: ([Char],[Char],[Char]) Explain why Ord is needed > max3 :: Ord a => (a, a, a) -> a Can omit the following if they're getting it... ------------------------------------------ FOR YOU TO DO 1. Define functions fst3 :: (a, b, c) -> a snd3 :: (a, b, c) -> b thd3 :: (a, b, c) -> c such that for all t :: (a, b, c) t = (fst3 t, snd3 t, thd3 t) 2. Define a function average :: (Float, Float) -> Float such that, for example average (1.0, 3.0) = 2.0 average (3.0, 50.0) = 26.5 ------------------------------------------ Q: What if we wanted to average more than 2 numbers?