Lecture -*- Outline -*- * data-driven recursion (Thompson 14, Davie sections 3.2, 4.4) > module DataDriven where > import Prelude hiding (toInteger) We won't always be working with lists, need to be able to write recursions over any type of data Key idea: recursion is based on the structure (grammar) of a type. ** data declaration in Haskell data Color = Red | Yellow | Green data [] a = [] | a : [a] *** example: the natural numbers ------------------------------------------ DATA-DRIVEN RECURSION or FOLLOW THE GRAMMAR! Definition of natural numbers: > data Nat = Zero | Succ Nat deriving (Eq, Show) To define a function f :: Nat -> t define recursively by: f Zero = ... -- basis f (Succ n) = ... -- inductive case Examples: > toInteger :: Nat -> Integer toInteger (Succ (Succ Zero)) == 2 toInteger (Succ Zero) == 1 toInteger Zero == 0 > plus :: Nat -> Nat -> Nat plus Zero (Succ Zero) == Succ Zero plus (Succ Zero) (Succ Zero) == (Succ (Succ Zero)) plus (Succ (Succ (Succ Zero))) (Succ (Succ Zero)) == (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ Zero))))) ------------------------------------------ Explain the data notation (section 4.4, algebraic types) the deriving Eq is not important here develop these using examples: base case: toInteger Zero = 0 inductive case: want toInteger (Succ (Succ (Succ Zero))) = 3 given toInteger (Succ (Succ Zero)) = 2 how do we get 3 from 2? generalizing from this example, toInteger (Succ n) = 1 + (toInteger n) > toInteger Zero = 0 > toInteger (Succ n) = 1 + (toInteger n) base case: plus Zero n = n inductive case: want plus (Succ (Succ Zero)) Zero = (Succ (Succ Zero)) given plus (Succ Zero) Zero = (Succ Zero) how do we get 2 from 1? generalizing from this example, plus (Succ m) n = plus m (Succ n) > plus Zero n = n > plus (Succ m) n = plus m (Succ n) Q: How does the structure of the program resemble the data declaration? note the recursion occurs where the grammar is recursive. Q: How does the data declaration resemble a grammar? Pitfalls: need to parenthesize the patterns ------------------------------------------ FOR YOU TO DO -- data Nat = Zero | Succ Nat deriving Eq mult :: Nat -> Nat -> Nat such that mult Zero (Succ Zero) == Zero mult (Succ (Succ Zero)) (Succ (Succ (Succ Zero))) == (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ Zero)))))) equal :: Nat -> Nat -> Bool without using (==), but such that (equal n1 n2) == (n1 == n2) ------------------------------------------ Q: What would isZero :: Nat -> Bool be like? ** structure of data determines structure of code ------------------------------------------ GENERALIZING HOW TO WRITE RECUSIONS data NonEmptyList a = Write maxl :: (Ord a) => NonEmptyList a -> a such that Write nth :: NonEmptyList a -> Nat -> a such that ------------------------------------------ Q: How would you define a non-empty list in English? a non-empty list is either [x], or y:lst, where lst is a non-empty list in Haskell data NonEmptyList a = Sing a | a :# (NonEmptyList a) infixr :# 5 pitfall: can't use : as a constructor, as already used for lists (kind of irregular that can't overload that...) maxl (Sing 3) == 3 maxl (1 :# (Sing 3)) == 3 maxl (7 :# (1 :# (Sing 2))) == 7 nth (Sing 1) Zero = 1 nth (0 :# (1 :# (2 :# (Sing 3)))) (Succ (Succ Zero)) = 2 pitfall: the infixr declaraction avoids having to parenthesize examples pitfall: also constructors need to be parenthesized Sing(1) isn't the same as (Sing 1), and Sing(1) doesn't work. Q: can you write this? ------------------------------------------ RECURSION OVER GRAMMARS > data Exp = BoolLit Bool > | IntLit Integer > | Sub Exp Exp > | Equal Exp Exp > | If Exp Exp Exp > deriving (Show, Eq) > > data Value = BV Bool | IV Int | Wrong > deriving (Show, Eq) Write the following eval :: Exp -> Value such that eval (BoolLit True) == (BV True) eval (IntLit 5) == (IV 5) eval (Sub (IntLit 5) (IntLit 4)) == eval (Equal (BoolLit True) (BoolLit False)) == eval (If (BoolLit True) (IntLit 4) (IntLit 5)) == ------------------------------------------ ... (IV 1) ... (BV False) ... (IV 4) Q: What are the base cases? Q: Where should there be a recursion? Q: Examples for each recursive case? Moral: in general can think of all recursions as recursions over grammars