COP 4020 Lecture -*- Outline -*- > module HigherOrder where * Higher-Order Programming Much of this is based on van Roy and Haridi's book "Concepts, Techniques and Methods of Computer Programming", chapter 3 ------------------------------------------ def: the *order* of a function f is 1+(maximum order of f's arguments), where the order of a non-function argument is 0. def: A function is *higher-order* if its order is greater than 1. Examples: > map' :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] > map' _ [] = [] > map' f (x:xs) = f x : map' f xs > foldr' :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b > foldr' op z [] = z > foldr' op z (x:xs) = x `op` (foldr' op z xs) ------------------------------------------ ** Basic Operations (3.6.1) Q: What are the 4 basic operations of higher-order programming? ------------------------------------------ 4 KINDS OF HIGHER-ORDER PROGRAMMING 1. procedural abstraction: converting expressions to functions (Liskov & Guttag's abstraction by parameterization) 2. genericity: passing functions as arguments (abstracting out expressions, not just data) 3. instantiation: returning function values as results (creation of new functions) 4. embedding: putting functions in data structures ------------------------------------------ *** procedural abstraction Q: How can you make an expression e into a function? (\() -> e) this freezes execution (makes a closure, or thunk) Q: Suppose we want two variants of a function that are similar, but differ a bit? Use arguments *** genericity **** for tail recursion We did this already for list recursions, as foldr and for tree recursion ------------------------------------------ ABSTRACTION OF TAIL RECURSION Consider > sumFromTo i j = sumFromToIter (j,0) > where sumFromToIter (j,r) = > if i > j then r else sumFromToIter (j-1,r+j) > sqrt x = sqrtIter 1.0 > where sqrtIter guess = > if goodEnough guess then guess > else sqrtIter (improve guess) > goodEnough guess = abs(guess*guess - x) < 0.0001 > improve guess = (guess+(x/guess))/2.0 What do the ...Iter functions have in common? How do they differ? Can we make the differences arguments? ------------------------------------------ ... general outline, returning part of state (R or Guess) Passing new value to state in recursion ... test for being done i > j or GoodEnough, how to extract the result from the state, how to transform the state ... yes > -- curried > tailrec :: (a -> Bool) -> (a -> b) -> (a -> a) -> a -> b > tailrec isDone extract transform s = loop s > where loop s = > if (isDone s) then (extract s) > else loop (transform s) How would you write sqrtIter using tailrec? sumFromToIter? sqrtIter' = tailrec goodEnough id improve sumFromToIter' = tailrec (\(j,_) -> i > j) (\(_,r) -> r) (\(j,r) -> (j-1,r+j)) *** instantiation (currying) ------------------------------------------ INSTANTIATION or RULES THAT PRODUCE RULES Aka: factories, generators, curried functions Examples: > makeSort comp = (\ls -> qsort comp ls) > qsort _ [] = [] > qsort comp (x:xs) = (qsort comp less) ++ [x] > ++ (qsort comp greater) > where less = [y | y <- xs, y `comp` x] > greater = [y | y <- xs, not (y `comp` x)] Use of makeSort: > sortGT = makeSort (>) sortGT list1 sortGT list2 ... ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ AN EXAMPLE: COMPOSE Write the function compose such that: ((compose head tail) [1,2,3]) == head (tail [1,2,3]) == head [2,3] == 2 ((compose not null) []) == not (null []) == False How to write this: ------------------------------------------ Show how to generalize these examples to get the answer. First generalize the examples: in general ((compose f g) x) == f (g x) So (compose f g) is a function of one argument, x, so it must be (\x -> f (g x)) But compose itself is a function, of two arguments, f and g, and when called it returns this other procedure, so... compose f g = (\x -> f (g x)) ------------------------------------------ SUMMARY OF STEPS FOR MAKING A HIGHER-ORDER FUNCTION 1. Starting from examples, name the roles 2. Generalize the result expression, using role names, write it down 3. Wrap lambda (\ -> ) declarations around it, corresponding to the arguments ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ FOR YOU TO DO Write a function twice twice :: (a -> a) -> a -> a Examples: (twice not) True == not (not True) == True (twice (+1)) 3 == (+1) ((+1) 3) == 5 ------------------------------------------ Hints: What's the general formula? (twice f) x == f (f x) *** embedding ------------------------------------------ EMBEDDING Putting closures in data is useful for: - explicit lazy evaluation - objects = records of operations - classes, functions that return objects - manipulating actions as data (e.g., in testing) ------------------------------------------ This is also the basic OO paradigm ------------------------------------------ EXAMPLE: INFINITE SEQUENCES Write the following functions to implement (Seq a) repeating :: (Num a) => a -> (Seq a) generate :: (Num a) => (Integer -> a) -> (Seq a) nth :: (Num a) => Integer -> (Seq a) -> a add :: (Num a) => (Seq a) -> (Seq a) -> (Seq a) For example: ones = (repeating 1) halves = generate (\n -> 1.0/(2.0^(fromInteger n))) (nth halves 0) ~=~ 1.0 (nth halves 1) ~=~ 0.5 (nth halves 2) ~=~ 0.25 (nth halves 3) ~=~ 0.125 (nth halves 30) ~=~ 9.313225746154785e-10 ------------------------------------------ See Seq.hs and SeqTests.hs Q: How can we represent something infinite in a computer? As a rule, i.e., as a function. Here we will use rules of type Integer -> a, where (Num a) to represent the type (Seq a) The idea is that, e.g., (\n -> n*n) represents the sequence 0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, ...