Lecture -*- Outline -*- * monads (Thompson 18) > module Monads where > import Prelude hiding (sequence, putStrLn, getLine) might omit this ** introductory examples from Noel Winstanley http://www-users.mat.uni.torun.pl/~fly/materialy/fp/haskell-doc/Monads.html *** the Maybe type --------------------------------------------------------- DEALING WITH MAYBE data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show) Database example: doQuery :: Query -> DB -> Maybe Record To do a sequence of queries: r :: Maybe Record r = case doQuery q1 db of Nothing -> Nothing Just r1 -> case doQuery (q2 r1) db of Nothing -> Nothing Just r2 -> case doQuery (q3 r2) db of Nothing -> Nothing Just r3 -> ... How to abstract from this pattern? --------------------------------------------------------- Q: how can we abstract from this pattern? identify the conserved and changing parts... > thenMB :: Maybe a -> (a -> Maybe b) -> Maybe b > mB `thenMB` f = case mB of > Nothing -> Nothing > Just a -> f a so now can write: r :: Maybe Record r = doQuery q1 db `thenMB` \r1 -> doQuery (q2 r1) db `thenMB` \r2 -> doQuery (q3 r2) db `thenMB` .... and return MB x = Just x *** state ------------------------------------------ STATE E.g., in database, in pure style: addRec, delRec :: Record -> DB -> (Bool, DB) But programming is awkward: newDB :: DB -> (Bool, DB) newDB db = let (bool1,db1) = addRec rec1 db (bool2,db2) = addRec rec2 db1 (bool3,db3) = delRec rec3 db2 in (bool1 && bool2 && bool3, db3) so make a combinator: > thenST :: (s -> (a,s)) -> (a -> (s -> (b,s))) -> (s -> (b,s)) > st `thenST` f = \s -> let (v,s') = st s > in f v s' > returnST :: a -> (s -> (a,s)) > returnST a = \s -> (a,s) so can write: newDB :: DB -> (Bool,DB) newDB = addRec rec1 `thenST` \bool1 -> addRec rec2 `thenST` \bool2 -> delRec rec3 `thenST` \bool3 -> returnST (bool1 && bool2 && bool3) ------------------------------------------ Q: See how this is threading the state through the computation? *** changes to interpreters ------------------------------------------ A PROBLEM WITH FUNCTIONAL PROGRAMMING Initial interpreter: eval :: Exp -> Env Val -> Val ... let v = (eval e env) ... To add a store, change the type: eval :: Exp -> Env Val -> Store -> (Val, Store) ... let (v,s) = (eval e env store) ... ------------------------------------------ But if we had written our interpreter using some kind of `then` combination eval :: Exp -> Env Val -> IdM -> IdM ... eval e env `then` \v -> ... when we changed it to have a store we could write: ... eval e env `thenST` \v -> ... Q: Can we generalize this into a type class so we won't even have to change the name of the combinators? yes... *** summary the idea is to use combinators to manage combinations of control ** definition and examples ------------------------------------------ MONADS class Monad m where return :: a -> m a (>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b (>>) :: m a -> m b -> m b fail :: String -> m a p >> q = p >>= \_ -> q fail s = error s instance Monad Maybe where Just x >>= k = k x Nothing >>= k = Nothing return = Just fail s = Nothing --------------------------------------------------------- Think of "m a" as a "computation over a" (Wadler) So (return v) takes a value, v, and yields a computation (of v). The >>= operations generalizes our `then_X` operation examples. Haskell won't let us make a type synonym into a class instance, so to do the store transform, one has to use a data definition. I've found that makng MStore more polymorphic causes problems > type DStore = [Int] > data MStore t = Store (DStore -> (t, DStore)) > instance Monad MStore where > (Store f) >>= k = Store (\s0 -> let (v, s1) = f $! s0 > (Store g) = k v > in g $! s1) > return v = Store (\s0 -> s0 `seq` (v, s0)) ------------------------------------------ LISTS AS MONADS instance Monad [ ] where [] >>= f = [] (x:xs) >>= f = f x ++ (xs >>= f) return x = [x] fail s = [] ------------------------------------------ Q: What is >>= like that we have seen? concatMap Can view the list monad as giving set of all possible results when f is applied. Can also think of this as a way to deal with errors (failure is []) Q: What is [] >>= (\x -> [x+1]) ? Q: What is return 2 >>= (\x -> [x+1]) ? [3] Q: What is [2,3,4] >>= (\x -> [x+1]) ? [3,4,5] compare this to [ x+1 | x <- [2,3,4] ] ! Q: What is [3] >> [4,5] ? [4,5] Q: What is [3,9] >> [4,5]? [4,5,4,5] ** specification (laws) ------------------------------------------ MONAD LAWS For a monad m, \forall x::a, k,h::(a -> m b), o::m a (return x) >>= k = k x (o >>= return) = o o >>= (\x -> (k x) >>= h) = (o >>= \x -> (k x)) >>= h ------------------------------------------ The first and second are kinds of unit laws, the third is a kind of associtivity of >>= Q: Do these work for Maybe? (return x) >>= k = {by def of return} Just x >>= k = {by def. of >>=} k x For the second law, by case analysis: (Nothing >>= return) = {by def of >>=} Nothing (Just x >>= return) = {by def of >>=} return x = {by def of return} Just x For the third law, by case analysis: Nothing >>= (\x -> (k x) >>= h) = {by def of >>=} Nothing = {by def of >>=} Nothing >>= h = {by def of >>=} (Nothing >>= (\x -> (k x))) >>= h Just x >>= (\x -> (k x) >>= h) = {by def of >>=} (\x -> (k x) >>= h) x = {by beta} ((k x) >>= h) = {by beta} (((\x -> (k x)) x) >>= h) = {by def of >>=} (Just x >>= \x -> (k x)) >>= h exercise: verify this for the list monad (hint: use induction) ** sugars ------------------------------------------ MONAD SUGARS ::= do ::= [ ] | <- | let in SEMANTICS do e = e do {e; stmts} = e >> do stmts do {p <- e; stmts} = e >>= \p -> do stmts do {let decllist in stmts} = let decllist in do stmts ------------------------------------------ See Bird's book p. 345, for the monad laws in sugared form ------------------------------------------ EXAMPLE OF MONADIC PROGRAMMING sequence :: Monad m => [m a] -> m [a] sequence [] = return [] sequence (c:cs) = do x <- c xs <- sequence cs return (x:xs) sequence [Just 3, Just 4] = { by def. of sequence} do x <- Just 3 xs <- sequence [Just 4] return (x:xs) = { by def. do, twice } Just 3 >>= \x -> sequence [Just 4] >>= \xs -> return (x:xs) = { by def. of >>= for Maybe monad } ((\x -> ...) 3) = { by beta rule } sequence [Just 4] >>= \xs -> return (3:xs)) = { by def. of sequence } (do x <- Just 4 xs <- sequence [] return (x:xs)) >>= (\xs -> return (3:xs)) = { by def. of do, twice } (Just 4 >>= \x -> sequence [] >>= \xs -> return (x:xs)) >>= (\xs -> return (3:xs)) = { by def. of >>= for Maybe monad } (sequence [] >>= \xs -> return (4:xs)) >>= (\xs -> return (3:xs)) = { by def. of sequence } (return [] >>= \xs -> return (4:xs)) >>= (\xs -> return (3:xs)) = { by equation return a >> k = k a } (return (4:[])) >>= (\xs -> return (3:xs)) = { by equation return a >> k = k a } return (3:4:[])) = { by def. of return for Maybe monad } Just [3,4] ------------------------------------------ Q: What is sequence [Just 3, Nothing, Just 5]? Nothing ** monadic Input/Output ------------------------------------------ MONADIC INPUT/OUTPUT data IO a -- IO actions returning an a instance Monad IO where (>>=) = primbindIO return = primretIO > putStrLn :: String -> IO () > putStrLn s = do putStr s > putChar '\n' > getLine :: IO String > getLine = > do c <- getChar > if c=='\n' then return "" > else do cs <- getLine > return (c:cs) ------------------------------------------ IO t is the type of actions (computations) that, when run, have a side-effect for IO resulting in a t value ------------------------------------------ HOW DOES I/O HAPPEN? Prelude> getLine >>= putStrLn abc abc :: IO () Prelude> do {s <- getLine; putStrLn s} a line of input a line of input :: IO () ------------------------------------------ This is because the interpreter's command loop forces the actions Or, in a program, main :: IO() does an I/O action ** The monad trap ------------------------------------------ THE MONAD TRAP class Monad m where return :: a -> m a (>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b (>>) :: m a -> m b -> m b fail :: String -> m a Do the operations of the class Monad allow us to write a function of type m a -> a ? ------------------------------------------ ...No! none of them get us out of the Monad! Once you head down the "do" rabbit hole, there is no escape. See HidingEffects.hs Q: Can one write a function of type IO Int -> Int ? No! (Not unless the IO type has some operation like that, but it doesn't!) Thus, IO t has to show up in the type of each expression where I/O may happen, preserving referential transparency. This helps reasoning. ** example See Hailstone.lhs and HailstonePeaks.lhs, which motivate the next unit...