Lecture -*- Outline -*- * Name binding and scope (could be a homework instead) objective: to get across the notions of: sugars (as way of explaining semantics) and simultaneous bindings scope Boil everything down to lambda and case ** syntactic sugars ------------------------------------------ SYNTACTIC SUGAR def: a *syntactic sugar* is an abstraction of a syntactic form Examples: for loops in C, C++ Advantages: - Sweeter language for programmers - Semantics of complex sugars can be explained by translation - Can simplify compilers + documentation - Can let compiler generate better code - good for capturing user patterns ------------------------------------------ Called sugars because they make the language "sweeter" :-) Syntactic sugars are a kind of lniguistic abstraction like a macro Q: What other examples of syntactic sugars do you know? ** pattern matching in function defs is sugar for case (Davie pp. 29 and 190) > module Naming where Q: How could one define the semantics of Haskell function defs with complex features like guards and pattern matching? One way *** function definition ------------------------------------------ FUNCTION DEFINITION SUGARS Syntax to define functions more succinctly > fact 0 = 1 > fact n | n > 0 = n * fact(n-1) > while test f x > | b = while test f (f x) > | otherwise = x > where b = test x > quotient(i,j) = lastq > where (lasti,lastq) = > (while notdone xform (i,0)) > notdone (i,q) = (i >= j) > xform (i,q) = (i-j,q+1) Problem: what does this all mean? ------------------------------------------ Q: What features are being used? We'd like an explanation for each feature that is: - syntax-directed (based on the syntax), like a yacc-based compiler and - "adds up" to an explanation for the whole thing Such an explanation is *compositional*. (this is unlike English) compositional vs. Non-compositional examples: red book, red ball vs. red herring, red neck, hockey player, baseball player vs. CD player day room, dark room vs. rest room pro vs. con ==> progress vs. congress (;->) train station, bus station vs. work station (;->) ------------------------------------------ FUNCTION DEFINITIONS WITH PATTERNS AND GUARDS Example: fact 0 = 1 fact n | n > 0 = n * fact(n-1) ==> ------------------------------------------ ... each occurrence of that syntax can be regarded as macro call and replaced by some other piece of syntax ... fact = (\ x -> (case x of 0 -> 1 n -> if n > 0 then n * fact(n-1) else error "Unmatched pattern")) discuss the meaning of the case, pattern match from the top ------------------------------------------ PATTERN GUARDS SUGAR FOR IF (D 2.7.1) Guard desugaring:

| 1 = 1 | 2 = 2 ... | n = n where { } ==> FOR YOU TO DO Desugar: while test f x | b = while test f (f x) | otherwise = x where b = test x ------------------------------------------ ...

= let in if 1 then 1 else if 2 then 2 else ... if n then n else error "Unmatched guard" ------------------------------------------ SYNTACTIC SUGAR FOR IF if 1 then 2 else 3 ==> case 1 of True -> 2 False -> 3 ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ MULTIPLE BINDING IS SUGAR FOR CASE Function binding form:

11 ...

1n = 1 ...

m1 ...

mn = m ==> FOR YOU TO DO desugar the following > name 0 = "zero" > name 1 = "one" > name n = "many" ------------------------------------------ ... x1 ... xn = case (x1,...,xn) of (

11, ...

1n) -> 1 ... (

m1, ...

mn) -> m (where x1 ... xn are fresh) ------------------------------------------ FUNCTION DEFINITION SUGAR FOR LAMBDA x1 ... xn = E ==> Example: compose (f,g) x = f (g x) ==> ------------------------------------------ ... x1 ... xn-1 = (\ xn -> E) and so get = (\x1 -> (...(\xn -> E)...)) ... compose = (\(f,g) -> (\x -> f (g x))) Now patterns only occur in case expressions and lambdas ------------------------------------------ GETTING PATTERNS OUT OF LAMBDAS ucompose (f,g) x = f (g x) ==> ucompose = \ (f,g) -> \ x -> f (g x) ==> ------------------------------------------ ucompose = \ fg -> case fg of (f,g) -> \x -> f (g x) ** Naming and Scoping in the core of Haskell *** Haskell's core ------------------------------------------ THE CORE OF HASKELL Patterns in top-level declarations boil down to single name declartions of the form x = e Functions delcaration sugars boil down to declarations of the form f = (\ x -> e) Pattern matching boils down to case expressions of the form case x of

1 -> 1 _ -> 2 Thus declaration of identifiers occurs in - top-level declarations x = e - lambda expressions (\ x -> e) - case expressions case v of x -> e1 _ -> e2 ------------------------------------------ In top-level declarations, we shove all the patterns into the expression (e). In pattern matching, we move guards into expressions and nest case expressions to deal with multiple cases. Thus we find it interesting to study this core language's properties because we can desugar into it to find out the properties of all the sugars *** simultaneous binding, lexical scope (Davie 2.4) scope in Haskell is generally recursive, extending to all the evaluated parts at the same level of nesting ------------------------------------------ SCOPE FOR DECLARATIONS AND LET > x = u + v > y = u - v > (u,v) = (4,5) let x1 = u1 + v y1 = u1 - v u1 = 4 v1 = 5 in [x1,y1,u1,v1] ------------------------------------------ draw contour for scope of x,y,u,v includes all of the parts of the program after the = draw contour for scope of x1,y1,u1 includes the right-hand sides and the body (like letrec) This is like letrec in Scheme Q: What will that expression's value be? everything is lazy, order doesn't matter. so bindings are made simultaneously ------------------------------------------ DESUGARING OF LET (dynamic behavior, not typing) > -- fix point operator, for use below > fix :: (a -> a) -> a > fix f = f (fix f) let

1 = 1 ...

n = n in 0 ==> let (~

1, ..., ~

n) = (1, ..., n) in 0 let

= 1 in 0 ==> let

= fix (\ ~

-> 1) in 0 let

= 1 in 0 -- if no var in

occurs -- free in 1 ==> ------------------------------------------ ... (\ ~

-> 0) 1 which is the same as case e0 of ~

-> 1 This last is like Scheme let, and even it gets desugared to a case... The ~ makes an irrefutable binding: that is, a lazy one that always matches compare scope of result with the original scope. ------------------------------------------ EXAMPLE let x1 = u1 + v1 y1 = u1 - v1 u1 = 4 v1 = 5 in [x1,y1,u1,v1] ==> let (~x1,~y1,~u1,~v1) = (u1+v1,u1-v1,4,5) in [x1,y1,u1,v1] ==> let (~x1,~y1,~u1,~v1) = fix (\ ~(~x1,~y1,~u1,~v1) -> (u1+v1,u1-v1,4,5)) in [x1,y1,u1,v1] ------------------------------------------ The ~ makes irrefutable bindings, which always match *** Scoping as a basic concept ------------------------------------------ DECLARATIONS def: In the core of Haskell an identifier is declared by: 1. a top-level definition of the form = e.g., x is declared in: x = 3 2. the identifiers in the of a case expressions -> e.g., x is declared in: case z of (x,_) -> x+2 _ -> undefined 3. the formal parameter of a lambda expression of form \ -> e.g., x is declared in \ x -> x+2 In (2) and (3), the *region* where such a declaration of a may be referred to by uses of that is the body ------------------------------------------ Q: What other declaration sites are there in the sugared part of Haskell? many, names in left side of list comprehensions, let expressions, where expressions, lets in guards and in list comprehensions patterns in function definitions ------------------------------------------ STATIC SCOPING def: In *static scoping*, each identifier, x def: In *dynamic scoping*, each identifier, x, Example: let x = 1 f = (\ y -> x+y) in let x = 2 in f 10 ------------------------------------------ ... denotes the location for x declared by the closest textually surrounding declaration of x This is also known as lexical scoping ... denotes the location for x declared by the most recent declaration for x that is still active. Q: What does the example give with each kind of scoping? ------------------------------------------ PICTURE WITH DYNAMIC SCOPING ------------------------------------------ ... x [ *-]---> 1 f [ *-]---> [lambda| y | x+y ] then x [ *-]---> 1 f [ *-]---> [lambda| y | x+y ] x [ *-]---> 2 y [ *-]---> 10 Q: In the example, does it matter if x=2 occurs after the declaration of f? not in static scoping! Q: What is the meaning of the function let x = 4020 in (\ y -> x+y) with dynamic scoping? it doesn't have a meaning we can assign yet. Q: What kind of scoping is in C, C++, and Java? The Unix shell? ------------------------------------------ TYPE CHECKING AND DYNAMIC SCOPING Consider let x = 4020 f = (\y -> x - y) in let x = True in f 5000 What happens in dynamic scoping? ------------------------------------------ Q: Can static type checking be done in a language with dynamic scoping? No! ------------------------------------------ THE FUNARG PROBLEM Consider let add = (\x -> (\y -> x + y)) in let add3 = add 3 in add3 2 What happens in dynamic scoping? ------------------------------------------ Q: So why do we need closures in static scoping? to remember the values given to variables ------------------------------------------ USES FOR DYNAMIC SCOPING But there are uses: 1. In operating system shells (like Unix) $ export PRINTER=lw1 $ print file1 file2 $ # ... some other stuff... $ print file3 Avoids passing lots of configuration information 2. Exception handlers try { o.m(); } catch (Exception e) { ...} The handlers are found by a dynamic search up the stack this is dynamic scoping! ------------------------------------------ Unfortunately, it's easy to get dynamic scoping if you aren't careful ------------------------------------------ MORAL Dynamic scoping is bad! - unknown bindings for free varaibles ==> can't do static type checking - funarg problem ==> can't use currying Dynamic scoping is easy to get by accident - have to use closures to prevent it Although it has some uses DON'T GET DYNAMIC SCOPING BY ACCIDENT! ------------------------------------------ ***** Free and bound identifier occurrences (review, so go fast) Have to distinguish between uses and declarations of identifiers ------------------------------------------ FREE AND BOUND IDENTIFIER USES def: an identifier x *occurs free* in an expression iff def: an identifier x *occurs bound* in an expresssion iff contains a use of x that refers to a declaration of x within . (\ y -> x+y) z (\ x -> (\ x -> z x)) f g ------------------------------------------ ... contains a use of x, which does not refer to a declaration of x within Q: in the first expression, what does x refer to? Draw arrows from uses to declarations in the two examples Be sure they understand what "intervening declarations" mean before going on ------------------------------------------ EXAMPLES f, f1 occur free in: f (f f1) (\ b -> f) case f1 of (_:bs) -> 1 + f bs otherwise -> 0 b, b1 occur bound in: (\b -> f b) case z of (b:b1) -> rev b1 ++ [b] [] -> [] There can be a mix: (\ b -> b) f ^ ^ bound-/ \-free occurrence occurrence The same identifier can occur both ways: (\ n -> n) n ^ ^ bound-/ \-free occurrence occurrence Identifiers that are free in a subexpression may be bound in a larger expression (\ f -> (\ b -> b f)) length) Identifiers must be used to be bound fst (x,y) = x tail x:xs = xs ------------------------------------------ Q: So if x occurs free in an expression, does that mean it doesn't occur bound? ------------------------------------------ FOR YOU TO DO What are the (a) free, and (b) bound identifiers in ... (\ x -> (\ y -> x)) (g (tail x)) (\ x -> (g (tail x))) (\ g -> (\ x -> (g (tail x)))) ------------------------------------------ Q: Can an identifier that is free in an expression refer to a particular defined value? Yes, consider (length ls), where presumably length denotes a defined value *** formalization of free and bound variable occurrences The following definition of a core language for Haskell is from http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/Commentary/Compiler/CoreSynType, which defines an intermediate language that GHC compiles into and optimizes. However, I have made some simplifications. ------------------------------------------ CORE HASKELL EXPRESSIONS data Expr = Var Id -- x | Lit Literal -- 1, True, ... | App Expr Arg -- f x | Lam Id Expr -- \ x -> e | Let Bind Expr -- let x = e1 in e | Case Expr [Alt] -- case e of alts | Typed Expr TypeExpr -- e :: t deriving (Eq, Show) type Arg = Expr type Alt = (AltCon, [Id], Expr) -- C x -> e data AltCon = DataAlt DataCon -- C | LitAlt Literal -- 0, 1, ... | DEFAULT -- _ deriving (Eq, Show) data Bind = NonRec Id Expr -- x = e | Rec [(Id, Expr)] -- { x1=e1;x2=e2; ...} deriving (Eq, Show) type Id = OccName type OccName = String -- in GHC this tracks a namespace also -- The following don't follow GHC, and are much simplified data Literal = LitInteger Integer -- 7 | LitInt Int -- 0 | LitBool Bool -- True and False | LitChar Char -- 'c' | LitFloat Rational -- 5%3 | LitDouble Rational -- 314%100 | LitList [Literal] -- [], [1,2,3] | LitTuple [Literal] -- (5,True) deriving (Eq, Show) data TypeExpr = TName Id -- Stack or a | TForall Id TypeExpr -- forall a . te | TApp TypeExpr TypeExpr -- Stack Int | TInteger -- Integer | TInt -- Int | TBool -- Bool | TChar -- Char | TFloat -- Float | TDouble -- Double | TList TypeExpr -- [Int] | TTuple [TypeExpr] -- (Int,Bool) deriving (Eq, Show) data DataCon = ConName Id -- C deriving (Eq, Show) ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ FREE VARIABLE OCCURRENCES -- fv gives the free variable identifiers, -- including type identifiers fv :: Expr -> Set Id fv (Var x) = singleton x fv (Lit _) = empty fv (App f a) = (fv f) `union` (fv a) fv (Lam x e) = fv (Let (NonRec x e1) e) = (fv e1) `union` ((fv e) `minus` (singleton x)) fv (Let (Rec defs) e) = (unionAll (map fv exps) `union` (fv e)) `minus` (fromList ids) where ids = map fst defs exps = map snd defs fv (Case e alts) = (fv e) `union` (unionAll (map fvAlt alts)) fv (Typed e te) = (fv e) `union` (fvTypeExpr te) fvAlt :: Alt -> Set Id fvAlt (ac, declids, e) = fvAltCon :: AltCon -> Set Id fvAltCon (DataAlt (ConName c)) = singleton c fvAltCon _ = empty fvTypeExpr :: TypeExpr -> Set Id fvTypeExpr (TName t) = singleton t fvTypeExpr (TForall t te) = (fvTypeExpr te) `minus` (singleton t) fvTypeExpr (TApp te1 te2) = (fvTypeExpr te1) `union` (fvTypeExpr te2) fvTypeExpr (TList te) = (fvTypeExpr te) fvTypeExpr (TTuple tes) = unionAll (map fvTypeExpr tes) fvTypeExpr _ = empty -- base types ------------------------------------------ emphasize the Lam and Alt cases: ... fv (Lam x e) = (fv e) `minus` (singleton x) ... fvAlt (ac, declids, e) = (fvAltCon ac) `union` ((fv e) `minus` (fromList declids)) This is found in CoreHaskellFreeVars.hs ------------------------------------------ BOUND VARIABLE OCCURRENCES -- bv gives the bound variable identifiers, -- including type identifiers bv :: Expr -> Set Id bv (Var x) = bv (Lit _) = bv (App f a) = bv (Lam x e) = bv (Let (NonRec x e1) e) = bv (Let (Rec defs) e) = bv (Case e alts) = bv (Typed e te) = bvAlt :: Alt -> Set Id bvAlt (ac, declids, e) = bvAltCon :: AltCon -> Set Id bvAltCon (DataAlt (ConName c)) = bvAltCon _ = bvTypeExpr :: TypeExpr -> Set Id bvTypeExpr (TName t) = bvTypeExpr (TForall t te) = bvTypeExpr (TApp te1 te2) = bvTypeExpr (TList te) = bvTypeExpr (TTuple tes) = bvTypeExpr _ = -- base types ------------------------------------------ ... fill in the above The intersections happen because a bound variable identifier only occurs when it is both declared and used. Q: How would you generalize these to more complex expressions?