COP 4020 meeting -*- Outline -*- * Preliminaries for the first meeting ** staff introductions ------------------------------------------ WELCOME TO COP 4020 PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES I Professor Gary T. Leavens 437D Harris Center (Bldg. 116) Phone: (407)823-4758 Email: Office Hours: URL: Pick up handouts: ( of them) ------------------------------------------ - about COP 4020 - grading policy - course contact info. ** staff introductions introduce the staff ** student introductions (HW0) Students need to do homework 0 by Friday (11pm!) to tell us about their programming language experience and interests - Ask for a favorite programming language, get votes for each keep track of votes for languages on the board. Q: How is a programming language like a religion? seems to get the same kind of devotion from its followers We're asking you to experience a new religion! It's also something like moving: disorienting, but you may learn things and meet new friends