FOAL 2009 Agenda

Monday, 2 March 2009
Commonwealth Room (room 388), Newcomb Hall
University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia, USA

Note also that attendees are on their own for breakfast and lunch, as these are not provided by AOSD.

Session 1


Session Chair: Gary T. Leavens—University of Central Florida, USA
Welcome and introductions (15 minutes) [Entire proceedings PDF] [Proceedings front matter] [Proceedings contents] [Proceedings preface] [Chair's remarks]

Mario Südholt —École des Mines de Nantes

Shmuel Katz —Technion–Israel Institute of Technology, Israel

Gary T. Leavens —University of Central Florida, USA

Mira Mezini —Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany

A Type System for Functional Traversal-Based Aspects (20 minutes + 10 minutes discussion) [Full Text] [Full Text (A4)] [Slides (PDF)]

Bryan Chadwick Northeastern University, USA

Karl Lieberherr Northeastern University, USA

Modular Verification of Strongly Invasive Aspects (30 minutes + 15 minutes discussion) [Full text] [Full text (A4)] [Slides (PDF)] [Slides (PPT)]

Emilia Katz —Technion–Israel Institute of Technology, Israel

Shmuel Katz—Technion–Israel Institute of Technology, Israel

Break—Coffee, Informal Discussions


Session 2


Session Chair: Hidehiko Masuhara—University of Tokyo
Unweaving the Impact of Aspect Changes in AspectJ (7 minutes + 3 minutes discussion) [Full Text] [slides (PDF)] [slides (PPT)]

Luca Cavallaro Politecnico di Milano, Italy

Mattia Monga Politecnico di Milano, Italy

Enhancing Base-code Protection in Aspect-Oriented Programs (30 minutes + 15 minutes discussion) [Full Text] [Slides (PDF)] [Slides (PPT)]

Mohamed ElBendary University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, USA

John Boyland University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, USA

Demonstration: Graph-Based Specification and Simulation of Featherweight Java with Around Advice (20 minutes + 10 minutes discussion) [Full Text] [Full Text (A4)]

Tom Staijen University of Twente, Netherlands

Arend Rensink University of Twente, Netherlands

Lunch (on your own)—Informal Discussions


Session 3


Session Chair: Mario Südholt—École des Mines de Nantes
Interface-Based aspect-oriented programming in Compose*: Its language independency, semantic point-cuts and aspect interference detection possibilities [Abstract] [Slides (PDF)] (Invited talk, 45 minutes)

Mehmet Akşit University of Twente, Netherlands

A Machine-Checked Model of Safe Composition (30 minutes + 15 minutes discussion) [Full text] [Full text (A4)] [Slides (PDF)]

Benjamin Delaware University of Texas at Austin, USA

William R. Cook University of Texas at Austin, USA

Don Batory University of Texas at Austin, USA

Break—Coffee, Informal Discussions


Session 4


Session Chair: Shmuel Katz—Technion–Israel Institute of Technology, Israel
Open Session: New Ideas, Open Questions, and Work in Progress (3 minute talks + discussion)

Any attendees interested in posing some issues or briefly describing their ideas or ongoing work related to FOAL topics are invited to present 3 minute talks, with up to 2 slides.

Page last modified Saturday, October 31, 2009.