Next: 3 Position: Compose software
Up: Towards A Model For
Previous: 1 Background
One of the main problems that hampers software extensibility is that uses of components have a fixed view how to access subcomponents. Often subcomponents can be accessed by ordered enumeration. Such a total ordering implies that component-uses need to be adapted in source if component-definitions are extended. Second, ordering is necessary because subcomponents are anonymous.
1 Pattern matching has also been applied successfully in functional
languages and specification languages of compiler generators. However, when
specifications become quite huge (in the order of ten-thousands of lines),
experience shows that positional pattern matching hampers modular
development seriously. When object types in intermediate data structures
of compilers are extended by new fields, all
pattern matches on the type have to be updated. This is not only annoying,
but a severe source of bugs, especially in tools that support wildcard
patterns, because with wildcards the number of subpatterns cannot be
checked on completeness anymore.
As in CoSy data objects in the repository are composed and aggregated from
view specifications, their final layout is only known to the system's
compiler and positional pattern matching is not possible. Hence a CoSy
tool has to supply pattern match on named subpatterns. Thus the
specifications can be extended quite easily: pattern matches on objects
only need to be changed, when a new subpattern match is necessary.
Uwe Assmann and Rainer Schmidt