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Stephen Bespalko has been involved in the design and implementation of
large-scale, real-time systems for over twenty years. For the past five years Mr. Bespalko
has been involved in primary research into the problems confronting the implementors
of large-scale systems at Sandia National Laboratories. His current research is in formal
methods applied to satellite ground station components. Prior to joining Sandia National
Laboratories, he spent 8 years as part of the R&D staff at Xerox Corporation. While at
Xerox, Mr. Bespalko successfully applied formal language theory to the design of
numerous high-tech components including a digital scanner, document pagination algorithms, graphics algorithms, fax devices, and communications protocols. Mr. Bespalko holds several US and International Patents resulting from his work at Xerox.
Alexander Sindt is a Junior at the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology where he is double-majoring in Computer Science and Philosophy. He has spent the last two summers working as a Student Intern at Sandia National Laboratories in the areas of GPS applications and Formal Languages.
Stephen J. Bespalko and Alexander Sindt
Sept. 2, 1997