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- Cha94
B. Chandrasekaran.
Functional representation and causal processes.
In M. C. Yovits, editor, Advances in Computers, volume 38,
pages 73-143. Academic Press, 1994.
- Cha97
B. Chandrasekaran.
Personal communication, August 1997.
- CJ96
B. Chandrasekaran and J. R. Josephson.
Representing function as effect: Assigning functions to objects in
context and out.
In Working Notes AAAI-96 Workshop on Modeling and Reasoning with
Function, Portland, OR, August 1996.
- Coo78
S. A. Cook.
Soundness and completeness of an axiom system for program
SIAM Journal on Computing, 7(1):70-90, February 1978.
- Edw95
Stephen Hilary Edwards.
A Formal Model of Software Subsystems.
PhD thesis, The Department of Computer and Information Science, The
Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, 1995.
Also available as Ohio State University Technical Report
- EGWZ97
S. H. Edwards, D. S. Gibson, B. W. Weide, and S. Zhupanov.
Software component relationships.
In Proceedings 8th Annual Workshop on Software Reuse, Columbus,
Ohio, March 1997.
- EHMO91
George W. Ernst, Raymond J. Hookway, James A. Menegay, and William F. Ogden.
Modular verification of Ada generics.
Computer Languages, 16(3/4):259-280, 1991.
- EHO94
George W. Ernst, Raymond J. Hookway, and William F. Ogden.
Modular verification of data abstractions with shared realizations.
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 20(4):288-307,
- GH93
John V. Guttag and James J. Horning.
Larch: Languages and Tools for Formal Specification.
Springer-Verlag, 1993.
- Gib97
David S. Gibson.
Behavioral Relationships Between Software Components.
PhD thesis, The Department of Computer and Information Science, The
Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, 1997.
To appear.
- Gog84
Joseph A. Goguen.
Parameterized programming.
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 10(5):528-543,
September 1984.
- Hey95
Wayne D. Heym.
Computer Program Verification: Improvements For Human
PhD thesis, Dept. of Computer and Information Science, The Ohio State
University, Columbus, OH, 1995.
Also available as Ohio State University Technical Report
- KH96
H. Kilov and W. Harvey, editors.
Specification of Behavioral Semantics in Object-Oriented
Information Modeling.
Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1996.
- Lea91
Gary T. Leavens.
Modular specification and verification of object-oriented programs.
IEEE Software, 8(4):72-80, July 1991.
- LW94
Barbara H. Liskov and Jeannette M. Wing.
A behavioral notion of subtyping.
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems,
16(6):1811-1841, November 1994.
- Spi88
J. M. Spivey.
: A Specification Language and Its
Formal Semantics.
Cambridge University Press, UK, 1988.
- SW94
Murali Sitaraman and Bruce W. Weide, editors.
Special feature: Component-based software using RESOLVE.
ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, 19(4):21-67, 1994.
- SWO97
Murali Sitaraman, Bruce W. Weide, and William F. Ogden.
On the practical need for abstraction relations to verify abstract
data type representations.
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 23(3):157-170,
March 1997.
David S. Gibson and Bruce W. Weide
Sep. 12 1997