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Server(db, s) = s?(p, c) . c!db[p] . Server(db, s)
The server listens on channel s for a communication of the form (p,c), which is a request for page p to be transmitted on channel c. We assume db is a database of pages and that db[p] looks up the page named p and returns it (or some default page, perhaps with an error message in it). This page is then returned as requested on channel c and the behaviour repeats itself.Consider how a client will identify a resource on the Web. It needs to know the channel to the server and the resource name (page name) on that server. So, the client knows a pair (s,p) and uses this to send a message to the server of the form s!(p,c) which is a request for page p to be returned on channel c, exactly as the server is expecting. We can think of (s,p) as being a URL.
Suppose now we model the client as having a set of bookmarks, all of which are such URLs. For example the client's bookmarks might be the set
Client(bm1,c1) | Server(db1, s1) | Server(db2, s2)
The client arbitrarily asks for one of the pages it knows of from either server. This it receives back on its private channel. The model doesn't describe what then happens to the received page q. Effectively it is discarded.
This model is unsatisfactory in many ways which we will proceed
to fix. Firstly, the client can only browse pages it knows of at the
outset. To overcome this we assume that when a page q is
returned it may contain other URLs which the client can then
select. Suppose the function returns a set of URLs
obtained from the page q. For example, we might have
Now we can modify the client to behave as follows
Readers should be able to convince themselves that if the client
starts in the state then it will eventually be
able to collect all the URLs on the pages on each of the servers
which is running.
Each of the processes Client(bm,c) and Server(db,s) can be seen as components from which we can build various configurations of client-server systems. In practice, much more elaborate processes than these will be required to model realistic systems. But, for this short paper, our objective is to show how the pi-calculus can model dynamic systems, which are reconfigured as they are executing. To this end let us elaborate the client just one more time, this time to download a new application.
Suppose that we have a predicate isAppl(q) which can determine if
a resource q is a simple page or an executable (client-side)
application. If isAppl(q) returns then q is a simple
page. If it
returns true then q is an application and compile(q) is the loadable
process which the client can execute.
We modify the client to behave as follows
Now the client can continue to browse but a new application is running locally which presumably provides some useful service.
Peter Henderson